雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Deductible Expenses Generally, all outgoings and expenses, to the extent to which they have been incurred by the taxpayer in the production of chargeable profits, are allowed as deductions. Reference can be made to section 16 of the I.R.O.

    • Tax Deductible Expenses For Hong Kong Companies: Definition and Basic Rules
    • Tax-Deductible Expenses: Auditor’S Approach
    • Risks of Over-Claiming

    1. Deductible Expenses The Section 16 (Ascertainment of chargeable profits) of Inland Revenue Ordinance (“I.R.O.”)has stipulated that all outgoings and expenses of a company, which they have been incurred by the taxpayer in the production of chargeable profits, are tax deductible. A transfer of a certain portion of allowable head office administrat...

    If you intend to claim certain expenses against your tax, it is advisable that you bring this up to discuss with your tax accountant. The auditor will actually assess whether the expenses (amount and nature of the expense) booked by the company are reasonable and justifiable to be tax-deductible expenses.

    In the event of over-claiming, i.e. someone attempts to make too many claims of too many expenses as well as claiming non-business related expenses, the auditor would ask for justifications and evidence to support such claim. If the company fails to provide the information requested, the auditor may include an opinion stating that the company could...

  2. 根據自願醫保計劃保單所繳付的合資格保費. 《2018年税務(修訂)(第8號)條例》在2018年11月9日刊憲成為法例。. 此修訂條例落實納税人為自己或指明親屬購買合資格自願醫保計劃下認可產品而繳付的保費可在薪俸税和個人入息課税下獲得税務扣除。. 此項税務 ...

  3. Exceptions are expenses of a domestic or private nature and capital expenditure. Information on how the Inland Revenue Department considers allowances for capital expenses, outgoings and expenses, and some other expenses for which you can claim deductions is available through the link below.

  4. 2024年6月28日 · Expenses that are incurred for producing profits chargeable to tax and that are not capital in nature are generally tax deductible. In addition, special tax relief is available for certain capital expenditure. There are special rules for deduction of certain expenses (e.g

  5. Answer. General Rule. Business expenses related to your day to day operations are normally deductible as your operating expenses, such as – ♦ rents paid on business premises/quarters for employees; ♦ light, water and telephone charges for business premises; ♦ salaries, wages, employees; allowances, bonuses. for. the.

  6. 2019年3月13日 · Hong Kong companies can support and deduct certain expenses and can potentially reduce their profits taxes as a result but how does one go about it? This article will help clarify the general rules, regulations, and practices in relation to tax deductible expenses.

  1. Which expenses are tax deductible? 相關
