雅虎香港 搜尋


    • Post columnist

      • Alex Lo has been a Post columnist since 2012, covering major issues affecting Hong Kong and the rest of China. A journalist for 25 years, he has worked for various publications in Hong Kong and Toronto as a news reporter and editor. He has also lectured in journalism at the University of Hong Kong.
  1. 其他人也問了

  2. 2023年5月19日 · Alex Lo has been a Post columnist since 2012, covering major issues affecting Hong Kong and the rest of China. A journalist for 25 years, he has worked for various publications in Hong Kong and...

    • Columnist
    • Who is Alex Lo?1
    • Who is Alex Lo?2
    • Who is Alex Lo?3
    • Who is Alex Lo?4
    • Who is Alex Lo?5
  3. 2022年7月1日 · 疑兇姓勞(Alex Lo),報稱無業,曾就讀馬鞍山德信中學,與家人居住藍田康雅苑,他早年習武,曾為香港武術代表隊成員,08年代表香港參加第二屆世界青少年武術錦標賽,在23式太極拳獲得金牌,32式太極劍獲得銀牌,槍術獲得第四名,曾榮獲傑出運動員

  4. 2022年7月2日 · 兇案曝光後,旋即引起網民熱切關注,有人在昨日凌晨於網上發文就疑兇「起底」,痛斥被捕的勞男(Alex Lo)是「世紀大戰(賤)男」,又圖文並茂指他「欠錢唔還,搞大人個肚,逼人落囝(仔),打女人,借財囝(仔),仲要戴假錶周圍呃女」。

  5. Alex Lo is a columnist and science and tech editor for publications such as South China Morning Post (SCMP) and Pearls & Irritations. With a background in journalism, Alex covers a wide range of topics including international politics, cultural commentary, and

  6. 2024年3月8日 · Alex Lo of the SCMP speaks with Josephia Feng from the University of Hong Kong's Journalism and Media Studies Centre about writing articles and the need for ...

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    • HKU Journalism & Media
  7. She’s a US senator who becomes a vice-president after a failed bid to run for president. She spends much of her time in the White House being ignored and disregarded by people with real power.

  8. 2021年1月1日 · How to engineer a loyal opposition. New opponents, critical of the Hong Kong government but loyal to Beijing, are emerging but will they appeal to local voters? Alex Lo.