雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. James Newton Howard was married to Rosanna Arquette in 1986, they divorced one year later. From 1989 to 1991, he was in a relationship with Barbra Streisand. [25] In 1992, he married Sophie Howard and they have two children: Jackson and Hayden.

  2. 生平. 出生于1951年的占·霍华(Jim Howard),年轻时就扎根于古典音乐的学习。 在匹兹堡交响乐团里演奏小提琴的祖母的影响下,侯活开始学习钢琴,并在让他最终达到音乐顶峰的圣塔芭芭拉的西部音乐学院(与Reginald Stewart和Leon Fleischer一道)和南加州大学的音乐学院学习音乐。 尽管他喜爱管弦乐,但是他还是于20世纪60、70年代进入了流行摇滚音乐的领域。 自从他70 年代早期在南加州乐队"Mama Lion"担任键盘手之后,侯活凭借他演奏的熟练技巧制作了一些个人演奏专辑。 在为电子琴而痴迷的那段时间里,他经常为黛安娜·罗斯、Carly Simon、 林格·斯塔 等人编曲和演奏电子合成器。

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 詹姆斯·紐頓·霍華 (英語: James Newton Howard ,1951年6月9日 — ),出生於 洛杉磯 的 奧斯卡 提名 電影配樂 作曲家 。 生平 [ 編輯] 出生於1951年的占·霍華(Jim Howard),年輕時就紮根於古典音樂的學習。 在匹茲堡交響樂團里演奏小提琴的祖母的影響下,侯活開始學習鋼琴,並在讓他最終達到音樂頂峰的聖塔芭芭拉的西部音樂學院(與Reginald Stewart和Leon Fleischer一道)和南加州大學的音樂學院學習音樂。 儘管他喜愛管弦樂,但是他還是於20世紀60、70年代進入了流行搖滾音樂的領域。 自從他70 年代早期在南加州樂隊"Mama Lion"擔任鍵盤手之後,侯活憑藉他演奏的熟練技巧製作了一些個人演奏專輯。

  5. James Newton Howard. Composer: King Kong. James Newton Howard attended the University of Southern California's music school, but dropped out to tour with Elton John, and eventually compose music for film and television. He started with Head Office (1985) in 1985. He has been nominated for eight Academy Awards. He currently is a songwriter, record producer, conductor, keyboardist, and film ...

    • 1951年06月09日
  6. James Newton Howard to Kevin Jarre Born June 9, 1951, in Los Angeles, CA; divorced from first wife; married Rosanna Arquette (an actress), September 13, 1986 (divorced); married Sofie Barron (an illustrator); children: (third marriage) Jackson Samuel, Hayden Barron.

  7. James Newton Howard to Kevin Jarre Born June 9, 1951; divorced from first wife; married Rosanna Arquette (an actress), 1986 (divorced); married; wife's name, Sophie; children: Jackson, Hayden. Career: Composer, music producer, and keyboardist.

  8. Is James Newton Howard married? Yes, to Sofie Lena Barron since April 25, 1992. He was married to Rosanna Arquette from September 13, 1986 to October 2, 1987 and Brie Howard from June 15, 1974 to May 1977.