雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. Why join the Hong Kong jewellery Association? 相關

  2. 擁有20多年珠寶設計和製作的經驗,廣受香港及外國旅客歡迎,信譽良好,實力非凡。 精選鑽石、寶石、珍珠,來款訂造首飾,歡迎親臨中建大廈商場選購。

    • 關於我們

      成立於 1991 年


    • 聯絡我們




      • Enjoy member's rates for overseas and local jewelry exhibitions Participate in domestic or overseas delegations or study missions at reasonable costs Enjoy member's rate or free to join HKJMA's social activities (e.g. Members gathering, JMA golf team), parties and Anniversary Dinner
  1. 其他人也問了

  2. The Hong Kong Jewellers’ and Goldsmiths’ Association (“HKJGA”) was incorporated in mid-1953 as a limited company representing jewellers engaging in gemstone, jade, gold and silver jewellery trading. Over the past nine decades, we have been committed to promote the robust development of Hong Kong’s jewellery sector and maintain the ...

  3. 2021年10月31日 · All merchants and companies engaging in gemstone, jade, gold and silver jewellery trading in Hong Kong are eligible to apply for the membership. An applicant must complete and submit the application form signed by the referee who must be a HKJGA member.

  4. 本會介紹. 香港珠寶首飾業商會有限公司 (簡稱JGAHK)成立於2021年,由香港珠石玉器金銀首飾業商會與九龍珠石玉器金銀首飾業商會合組而成。 本會秉承港九兩會宗旨及使命制訂行業守則及誠信,促進香港珠寶首飾行業發展,拓展海內外市場,維護行業信譽,保證產品質素,提供培訓予從業人員,聯繫業界友好,向政府反映行業實況和意見,為本地消費者和旅客提供優質服務,鞏固香港為購物天堂的美譽,讓東方之珠繼續閃耀全球。 香港珠石玉器金銀首飾業商會有限公司. 香港珠石玉器金銀首飾業商會於20世紀初成立,1953年註冊為有限公司,旨在促進行業發展,協調會員間及與其他社團的商業利益,並就行業發展及相關法例向政府表達意見。

  5. 中國是全球舉足輕重的消費市場和珠寶製造重地之一,一帶一路發展策略和自由貿易區的建設,加上大灣區的發展亦會為業界迎來機遇處處,所以本會亦已在國內設立分會,發揮香港的重要角色,有助建立中港兩地行業共同標準。. 過去幾十年間香港經歷過 ...

    • Why join the Hong Kong jewellery Association?1
    • Why join the Hong Kong jewellery Association?2
    • Why join the Hong Kong jewellery Association?3
    • Why join the Hong Kong jewellery Association?4
    • Why join the Hong Kong jewellery Association?5
  6. HKJMA is dedicated to the uplifting global status of the local Jewelry manufacturing industry. With the four core values, namely ‘member-oriented’, ‘sustainable development’, ‘excellence in operations’ and ‘social responsibilities’, we closely work with our peers to strive for a bright future.

  7. www.jewelry.org.hk › en › membershipJoin Us

    Enjoy member's rates for overseas and local jewelry exhibitions. Participate in domestic or overseas delegations or study missions at reasonable costs. Enjoy member's rate or free to join HKJMA's social activities (e.g. Members gathering, JMA golf team), parties and Anniversary Dinner.

  8. Hong Kong Jewelry Manufacturers' Association (HKJMA) is one of the leading jewelry associations in Hong Kong. HKJMA was established in 1988 with 60 jewelry manufacturers registered as founding members, and had over 400 jewelry manufacturers as