雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 病気・怪我の際は、以下をご確認の上、. 医療機関の相談窓口または受診する医療機関を検索してください。. 医療に関する相談がしたい. リンク先 に掲載している滞在中の都道府県の相談窓口に連絡してください。. ※開設時間外は厚生労働省新型コロナ ...

  2. Emergency contact information. Getting started. Main Contact Points for Illness or Injury among Foreign Visitors to Japan. IIf you become ill or injured, please check the following information to find a medical institution's consultation hotline or find a medical facility to visit for treatment. I want to consult about medical treatment.

  3. Private medical insurance can be purchased instantly online. Enjoy your trip to Japan to the fullest by purchasing insurance with sufficient coverage and services. *Cannot be accessed before entering Japan. There are cases in which medical expenses during a trip to Japan can add up to a high amount.

  4. a list of medical institutions Fukuoka Medical Institutions Address Tel WEB Site Medical corporation SHOUFUKAI NAITO HOSPITAL 1169-1, Nishimachi, Kurume-shi, Fukuoka ...

  5. 医疗机构一览 东京都 医疗机构 地址 电话号码 网站 三轮牙科 邮编 110-0003 东京都台东区根岸5丁目24番4号Castalia三轮1楼 090-3503-8871 医疗法人社团 松伯会 山王诊所 邮编 100-6125 东京都千代田区永田町2-11-1 山王公园尖塔25楼

  6. 1. ON THE STREET 路上にて 1. Q&A for getting to your destination. 道順を尋ねる. 2. AT A STATION, TERMINAL, TICKET WINDOW and so on (TRANSPORTATION) 駅、ターミナル、 切符売り場などにて (交通機関)3. Q&A concerning transportation. 乗り物に関して尋ねる. 3. AT A TRAVEL AGENCY. 旅行会社のカウンターにて 6. Q&A on making reservations and buying tickets 予約・発券について尋ねる. 4. AT A RENT-A-CAR OFFICE レンタカー会社にて 7

  7. a list of medical institutions Miyagi Medical Institutions Address Tel WEB Site AobadaiClinic 3-1-78, Aobadai, Rifu-cho, Miyagi-gun, Miyagi, 981-0133 022-356-6757 Japanese Red Cross Ishinomaki Hospital Nishimichishita-71 Hebita, Ishinomaki-shi, Miyagi, 986

  1. 其他人也搜尋了