雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. gnc milk thistle hk 相關



  1. Advanced formula, group of flavonoids extracted from the seeds of silymaria. Strongly helps protect free radicals from damaging liver cells. Suitable for people who smoke, drink or stay up late or are concerned with liver health.

  2. 維護肝膽功能健康. 適合經常捱夜、睡眠不足或經常飲酒人仕. 有助睡眠質素、口氣、眼睛及面色暗啞. 注意: 不適合18歲以下使用。 如懷孕、準備懷孕或正處在哺乳期,切勿使用。 服用方法: 每日 1 次,每次 1 粒. 溫馨提示: - 本產品為進口膳食補充營養劑,不能代替藥物使用. - 如果你正在懷孕、哺乳、服用藥物或者有健康狀況,食用前遵醫囑. - 手術前2周請停止使用. - 特殊人群 (如兒童、孕婦、哺乳期·藥物治療期間等人群),請諮詢醫師後服用。 - 請遵照每日建議用量服用,身體感到異常時請停止服用。 - 請確認原料成分,有相應食物過敏者,請勿服用。 - 請於食用後立即關緊封口。 - 請置於陰涼乾燥處,避免陽光直射。 - 請置於幼兒無法取得之處。

  3. Contains silymaria to help liver detox. Protects the liver from alchole, helps repair damaged liver cells and improves liver functions. Suitable for people who smoke, drink or stay up late.

  4. $299.00. Add to cart. Hong Kong. Home Delivery | Click & Collect. 90pc Item code 545301. Contains silymaria to help liver detox. Protects the liver from alchole, helps repair damaged liver cells and improves liver functions. Suitable for people who smoke, drink or stay up late. Description. How To Use. Delivery & Returns. Origin. United States.

  5. Hong Kong. Home Delivery | Click & Collect. 60pc Item code 502740. Advanced formula, group of flavonoids extracted from the seeds of silymaria. Strongly helps protect free radicals from damaging liver cells. Suitable for people who smoke, drink or stay up late or are concerned with liver health. Description. How To Use. Delivery & Returns. Origin.

  6. 維護肝膽功能健康. 適合經常挨夜,睡眠不足或經常飲酒人仕. 成份 (每1粒) 乳薊(含有50%相當於650毫克水飛薊素) 1300毫克. 服用方式. 每日1粒 建議使用三個月以上達到明顯效果。. 適合人群:. 經常熬夜以及睡眠不足人士. 經常吸菸飲酒人士.

  7. 賣點: 天然高濃度草本精華,有效抗氧護肝. 特強解毒劑,支持肝功能. 適合捱夜、煙酒習慣及作息不定時人士.