雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典

    vi 不及物動詞

    • 1. 行進
    • 2. 取得進展 to go forward to the final 進入決賽
  2. going forward 是指從現在開始到未來的時間進展。當事情發生變化、且會影響今後好一段時間時,就經常會用 going forward。這個講法在商業英文中 (會議、email、專案等) 很常見。一般會放在顯著變化或陳述句之前。語氣也很正式! 例句: Going forward, we'll no longer be serving lunch at noon. Instead it will be at 13:00 ...

  3. Going forward意味着从过去到未来的时间进步。当某事即将发生变化并影响不久的将来时使用。常用于电子邮件、项目、会议等。据说会发生某种变化。一个带有正式语气的词。示例: Going forward, we'll no longer be serving lunch at noon. Instead it will be at 13:00. (从现在开始我不会在中午给你吃午饭。我现在就 ...

  4. Rebecca. 「going forward」は「これからは」という意味です。. 何かが変化の途上にあり、その影響が今後しばらく続く場合によく使われます。. これはビジネス英語としてとても一般的な表現で、会議やメールなどでもよく見かけますね。. 何らかのはっきりした ...

  5. "Going forward"는 과거로부터 미래로의 시간에 있어서의 진전을 의미해요. 무언가가 변화하고 머지않은 미래에 영향을 주게 되는 경우에 사용되는 말이죠. 이메일, 프로젝트, 회의 등에서 흔히 쓰여요. 어떤 변화가 일어날 것임을 전제하고 가정한 상태에서 하는 말이에요. 격식적인 어조를 띄는 ...

  6. Carry forward and carry over are similar phrasal verbs that both refer to continuing something from one point to another. However, carry forward is used more for abstract concepts like ideas, plans, or progress, while carry over is used more for physical objects or tangible things like data, balance, or items.

  7. 这是谈论您的年龄和生日时常用的表达方式!换句话说,您提到了您当前的年龄以及您生日后将更改的年龄。在这个视频中,由于演讲者是 16 岁,他说I am sixteen going on seventeen示例: Henry is 12 going on 13! He's going to be a teenager next year. (亨利今年 12 岁,明年他将满 13 岁!明年他将成为一名成熟的I&#39 ...

  8. 「for now」的意思是目前、暫時。可用於強調某物在某一刻的狀態,但未來的狀態或許會發生變化。 例:For now, the bridge is stable and will not collapse. (目前,這座大橋很穩固且不會倒塌。) 例:For now, the pandemic situation is stable in my city. (就目前而言,我市的疫情現況相對穩定。) 「by now」的意思是至今 ...

  9. "Going forward" indicates a progression in time from the present and into the future. It's often used when something is changing and will affect the immediate future for a considerable amount of time. It's very common in Business English; meetings, emails, projects, and so forth. It usually prefaces the apparent change or statement. It's also quite formal in tone! Ex: Going forward, we'll no ...

  10. coming in hot 一般是指動作很快、或容易生氣。不過,現在常用於形容人或事物以很讚、很潮的方式出現。這個講法屬於俚語,含義著重在 hot 這個字。 例句: Louis Hamilton is coming in hot for his final lap. => Formula 1 context (路易斯·漢米爾頓在最後一圈加足馬力。=> F1賽車) 例句: These celebrities are coming in hot in their ...

  11. 這裡的 "get around [something]" 是指逃避或避免某種情況、法規或問題,亦或是提出替代的解決方案。也能代表花時間及精力去做某件事。 例句: I finally got around to doing my laundry today. (我今天終於有時間洗衣服了。) 例句: How are we going to get around the scary dog if we need to get to the other side of the park? (如果我們得去 ...

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