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  1. invoice 和 debit note 的差別在哪裡? 相關

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      • A debit note is sent to the customer to remind them of the due balance. The purpose is to collect the overdue balance. On the other hand an invoice is issued when a sale transaction occurs. Therefore, a debit note is based on the accounts receivable balance while an invoice is based on the value of the sale.
  1. 2024年7月23日 · 商业交易中,经常遇到两种重要财务文档——invoice和debit note。. 首先,让我们来理解一下它们含义: invoice,直译为发票,是消费者购买商品或服务后,从商家处收到详细账单。. 它列明了交易物品、数量、单价、总额等信息,是交易双方确认交易 ...

  2. 2021年2月10日 · 簡單地說:invoice是發票如果你買東西,你付錢,賣方要給你invoice. debit note是付款通知單。對方給你發貨,同時給你debit note,告訴你多少,你按照debit note上面的金額,銀行賬戶資訊等付款。例句: The merchandise does not check with invoice. 這批貨

  3. A debit note is sent to the customer to remind them of the due balance. The purpose is to collect the overdue balance. On the other hand an invoice is issued when a sale transaction occurs. Therefore, a debit note is based on the accounts receivable balance while an invoice is based on the value of the sale.

  4. 2024年7月14日 · 两者区别: 虽然Debitnote和Invoice都是商业交易中文件,但它们用途功能存在差异。主要区别在于:Invoice是一个广泛使用商业术语,涉及广泛销售交易类型;而Debitnote更多地与特定国际贸易场景相关,特别是进口出口交易中使用收款

  5. 区别: 简单地说:invoice是发票。 如果你买东西,你付钱,卖方要给你invoice. debit note是付款通知单。 对方给你发货,同时给你debit note,告诉你多少钱,你按照debit note上面的金额,银行账户信息等付款。 例句: The merchandise does not check with invoice. 这批货与发货单不符。 You then choose an invoice to view and print. 然后您可以选择查看和打印一个发票。 We request you to deduct our commission from the invoice. 我们请求你方从发票中扣除我们的佣金。

  6. 2010年6月9日 · 出貨時, 賣方所開發票 (Invoice) 就是 Debit Note 一種,只是 Invoice 無法確認是否已收款,而 Debit Note 則必定是尚未收款。 結 論 : -- 賣方開出 Debit Note , 代表賣方要向買方收取欠 款。

  7. Debit note的同義字I have never heard someone say "debit note". I used Google to find that it means almost the same as a bill or invoice but doesn't have to show what was sold, only the money that needs to be paid.