Lamex is corporate custom made office furniture leasing, design, manufacturer, company of office furniture, desk, executive task chair in Hongkong, Singapore.
Lamex is corporate custom made office furniture leasing, design, manufacturer, company of office furniture, desk, executive task chair in Hongkong, Singapore.
联系我们. CN. 服务热线 中国大陆: (86) 400 686 8073, (86) 800 820 6073 中国香港及亚太区: (852) 2828 6000. 关于美时. 服务. 产品. 设计资源. 成功案例. 虚拟展厅.
Lamex is corporate custom made office furniture leasing, design, manufacturer, company of office furniture, desk, executive task chair in Hongkong, Singapore.
Lamex Office Furniture, Hong Kong. 575 likes. Lamex is one of Greater China’s leading manufacturers and marketers of a full range of office furniture...
美時集團有限公司,簡稱美時集團(英語: Lamex Holdings Limited ),業務是銷售辦公室家具 [1],於1977年,由林正華家族創辦,於1992年上市。 但隨着辦公室家具銷售競爭白熱化,收入受影響。
2020年12月16日 · Lamex虛擬展廳 為了讓不同地區的客戶能隨時隨地參觀美時在各地的展廳和產品。 我們已為香港,上海,東莞以至新加坡安排了虛擬展廳。 在精心設計的展廳裡,您可以體驗美時多樣的辦公家具方案。