雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Leica Store Hong Kong Causeway Bay is located at No.12 Pak Sha Road, Causeway Bay. It is a one-stop flagship store bringing together premium cameras, Café Leitz, lifestyle products and art gallery in the city. The shop design is infused with distinctive flair of Hong Kong in the 50s and 60s, exuding an extra dose of elegance.

  2. Leica Store Hong Kong IFC Mall. Store 2026, Podium level 2, IFC Mall, 1 Harbour View Street, Central. Hong Kong SAR China. (+852) 28733230. info@leicastore-ifc.com. Opening hours. Monday: 11:00-20:00. Tuesday: 11:00-20:00. Wednesday: 11:00-20:00. Thursday: 11:00-20:00. Friday: 11:00-20:00. Saturday: 11:00-20:00. Sunday: 11:00-20:00. TRAVEL TIPS.

  3. 徠卡香港銅鑼灣旗艦店位於白沙道12號地下為香港首間集相機店Cafe Leitz咖啡店精品店及藝術廊於一身的徠卡旗艦專賣店。 店鋪設計融合香港的文化特色,充滿本土情懷,除出售不同型號的徠卡相機、配件及攝影書籍外,更會定期舉辨座談會及攝影工作坊,讓顧客感受徠卡非凡的攝影世界。 另外,徠卡更特別以相機快門數值為設計藍本,精心打造別出一幟的貴賓房,讓徠卡貴賓一邊細味咖啡,一邊分享攝影點滴。 Leica Store Hong Kong Causeway Bay. 中國香港特別行政區. Hong Kong. G/F, No.12 Pak Sha Road. (+852) 2385-0118. info@leicastore-hk.com. 开放时间. 週一: 10:30-19:30.

  4. 徕卡香港铜锣湾旗舰店. 香港湾仔区铜锣湾白沙道12号地铺. 电话. 852-23850118. 电子邮件. info@leicastore-hk.com. 查看地图. 关于我们. 「徕卡铜锣湾专卖店」位于白沙道12号,为香港首间集相机店、Cafe Leitz咖啡店、精品店及艺术廊于一身的徕卡旗舰专卖店。 店铺设计融合香港的文化特色,充满本土情怀,除出售不同型号的徕卡相机、配件及摄影书籍外,更会定期举辨座谈会及摄影工作坊,让顾客感受徕卡非凡的摄影世界。 另外,徕卡更特别以相机快门数值为设计蓝本,精心打造别出一帜的贵宾房,让徕卡贵宾一边细味咖啡,一边分享摄影点滴。 营业时间. 周一: 10:30 - 19:00. 周二: 10:30 - 19:00. 周三: 10:30 - 19:00.

  5. Leica Vario-Elmar-SL 100-400mm F5-6.3 with Extender L 1.4x (Used) HK$ 16,500.00 Add to cart. New.

  6. Winter Sale 2 2024. 6 January, 2024, New Arrival. *** Winter Sale 2 *** (All discounts ended) (I know… it is still warm here!) We have got a very good feedback in the Winter Sale campaign last month. And so we hope to make another one for the following products in the coming 10 days. – Leica M11-P – Silver.

  7. Leica M11-P – Black. HK$ 60,000.00 Add to cart.

  8. At the brand’s camera shops in Hong Kong, you can purchase the full range of cameras (including special editions), sports optics (such as riflescopes and binoculars), and take advantage of the additional services, including Leica photography workshops.

  9. 2022年1月21日 · Leica 徠卡相機給人的印象是「懷舊 feel」、「貴」、「德味」,不過其實除了「貴」之外,近代 Leica 相機其實愈來愈走向現代化設計,甚至連味道,好多人都說愈來愈「現代」。. 大家想求變,希望重新追尋那份懷舊的德國味道,而這部 Leica M11 正正聽到大家的 ...

  10. Leica Super-Elmarit-R 15mm F/2.8 Asph Lens Yr.2001 Germany 11326 #69846. HK$78,800.

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