雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Promise Mini Loan - Credit limit and first withdrawal amount of "Emergency Loan" will be fixed at HK$2,000. If customers request for higher credit limit, please apply for other Promise's loan products.

  2. 重要資訊. 切勿向任何人(包括邦民職員及警方)透露您的密碼。. 本公司不會透過WhatsApp / 微信 / Facebook向個別人士直接促銷信貸產品、向客戶要求還款及/或索取任何個人資料。. 請 按此 瀏覽詳情。. 最新優惠.

  3. You can apply for Promise's "Emergency Loan" online, sign the contract and get your loan transferred easily any day of the week. Application procedure is simple and quick as income proof is not required, allowing a speedy approval §. "Emergency Loan" is suitable for customers who have short-term financial needs.

  4. Need emergency financial support ? Promise Emergency mini-loan is designed to meet your urgent needs immediately! Simply fill in your personal information to apply. No income proof is required and your loan is tranferred immediately upon approval.

  5. 邦民急轉錢小額貸款,為即時滿足應急需要而設! 只需填寫簡單個人資料,無需入息證明文件,一經批核,轉數快立即過數!

  6. Apply and sign your Short-term Loan online without income proof instantly to get your urgent financial needs resolved. Learn more now.

  7. 4 Tips to Increase Your Chance for Loan Approval. If you are facing a major decision, such as studying abroad, moving house or home renovation, a personal loan could be the solution for you. But if the personal loan application is not approved, it will disrupt your plan, and can even put a stop to your dreams.