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  1. 膝蓋骨關節炎Knee osteoarthritis又稱退化性關節炎是當膝蓋的軟骨磨損消耗加上吸震效益降低所產生的發炎狀況最常見的成因是老化但反覆性傷害過重和遺傳也可能造成退化性關節炎提早發生。 另外,類風濕性關節炎是所有關節炎中,第二常見的類型,也很容易引發膝蓋骨關節炎。

  2. 骨性關節炎 (Osteoarthritis) Facebook Email Print 下載PDF. 概述, 症状, & 起因. 诊断, 治疗, & 采取的步骤. 更多信息. 需要記住的有關骨關節炎的要點. 骨關節炎是一種關節疾病,是關節內的組織隨著時間的推移而分解。 這是最常見的關節炎類型,而且更常見於年長者。 骨關節炎的常見症狀包括關節疼痛、僵直和腫脹,以及關節移動方式發生變化並感覺關節鬆弛或不穩定。 骨關節炎的治療通常包括運動、維持健康體重、穿戴支架以幫助穩定性以及在醫生開具處方時服用藥物。 許多事情可以幫助您應對骨關節炎,包括使用熱療法和冷療法,避免重複動作,並參加課程以幫助瞭解該病症。 何謂骨關節炎? 骨關節炎是一種關節疾病,是指關節內的組織隨著時間的推移而分解。

  3. www.hkimm.hk › MSK-Problems › Osteoarthritis-of-KneeHKIMM - 膝部骨關節炎

    膝外翻或膝關節交鎖 (lock knee) 會增加膝內側腔室的壓力。 足部過度內翻會使脛骨在足部負重時出現內轉,股骨因而要作同樣內轉以鬆解膝部的扭力,此舉令膝蓋外走而令其底部與股骨外髁出現磨擦。 此外,女性的骨盆及股四頭肌角 (Q angle) 較大是較易患上骨關節炎的原因之一。 臨床階段: 膝部骨關節炎的嚴重程度可以根據X光掃描的膝部病變來分級: 第一級 膝部沒有出現變化. 第二級 關節間隙變窄. 第三級 出現骨刺. 第四級 "骨接骨"現象 – 關節間隙非常狹窄.

  4. www.hkarf.org › zh-hant › rheumatic_diseases退化性關節炎 - HKARF

    Osteoarthritis 按此下載PDF 版本(英文版本) 按此下載病科小冊子 聯絡我們: (852) 2346 6336 常見問題 mail@hkarf.org 九龍深水埗南山邨南偉樓地下103-106室 中心開放時間︰ 星期一至五︰上午9時30分至下午6時正 ...

    • Overview
    • Symptoms and Causes
    • Diagnosis and Tests
    • Management and Treatment
    • Prevention
    • Outlook / Prognosis
    • Living With
    • Additional Common Questions

    Osteoarthritis of the knee happens when cartilage in your knee joint breaks down. When this happens, the bones in your knee joint rub together, causing friction that makes your knees hurt, become stiff or swell. Osteoarthritis in the knee can’t be cured but there are treatments that can relieve symptoms and slow your condition’s progress.


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    OverviewSymptoms and CausesDiagnosis and TestsManagement and TreatmentPreventionOutlook / PrognosisLiving WithAdditional Common Questions


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    What causes osteoarthritis of the knee?

    Osteoarthritis of the knee happens when your knee joint cartilage wears out or is damaged. Articular cartilage is tough, rubbery tissue on the ends of your bones that lets you bend and move. Meniscal cartilage absorbs shock from pressure on your knee. Your cartilage is like your car’s shock absorber, protecting your car from bumps and jolts. Drive on lots of rough roads, your shocks wear out fast. Drive on easy streets, your shocks last longer. You can wear out or damage your knee joint cartilage if: You’re overweight. If your body mass index (BMI) is 30 or more, you’re seven times more likely to develop osteoarthritis in your knee than someone with a lower BMI. You injure your knee or have an old knee injury. You frequently put stress on your knee at your job or playing sports. You inherited a tendency to develop osteoarthritis of the knee. You have crooked bones or joints, such as having knocked knees. Advertisement

    What are the symptoms of osteoarthritis in the knee?

    Pain is the most common symptom of osteoarthritis in the knee. Your knee might hurt when you move it, or even when you are just sitting still. Other symptoms are: Your knee feels stiff, particularly when you first get up or when you’ve been sitting for a long time. Your knee looks swollen or feels puffy. You hear a cracking or grinding noise when you move your knee. Your knee feels wobbly, as if it could buckle or “give out." Your knee might lock up, or feel as if it is stuck.

    How is osteoarthritis of the knee diagnosed?

    Your healthcare provider will do a physical examination and ask about your medical history. The physical examination might include checks to see: If your knee joint area is red or sore. If there’s a sign you injured your knee. How much you can move your knee. This is called your range of motion. If your knee feels "loose," which can mean your joint isn’t stable. The way you walk, in case you have gait problems that affect your knee. A gait problem is when you don’t walk as you would normally.

    What tests do healthcare providers use to diagnose this condition?

    X-ray. Magnetic resonance imagery (MRI). Blood tests. Joint aspiration (arthrocentesis).

    How do you treat osteoarthritis of the knee?

    Treatment might include nonsurgical treatments, injections and surgery. Typically, healthcare providers try non-surgical treatments before recommending surgery.

    Non-surgical treatments include:

    Using pain medications. Doing physical therapy. Maintaining a healthy weight. Using a knee brace. Using orthotics such as insoles or special footwear. Cortisone (steroid) injections. Viscosupplementation.

    Surgical treatments include:

    Cartilage grafting. Healthy cartilage is used to fill a hole in your cartilage. Knee osteotomy. Partial knee replacement. Total knee replacement.

    How can I prevent osteoarthritis of the knee?

    While you can’t always prevent osteoarthritis of the knee, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk you’ll develop it: Maintain a healthy weight. Get plenty of rest. If you jog or run, do so on grass or soft surfaces. Vary your fitness routine with low-impact exercises such as swimming or cycling. Add light strength training to your fitness routine.

    What can I expect if I have osteoarthritis of the knee?

    Unfortunately, the effects of osteoarthritis of the knee can’t be reversed. But treatment and self-care can help relieve your symptoms and slow your condition’s progress.

    Will I always need medical treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee?

    You might always need pain medication to ease your symptoms. Many people find exercise and physical therapy helps their symptoms. People also benefit from self-management programs that provide information about living with osteoarthritis of the knee. Talk to your healthcare provider about ways you can use exercise and other self-care to manage your symptoms.

    How do I take care of myself with knee osteoarthritis?

    It can be frustrating to cope with osteoarthritis of the knee symptoms that keep you from working or enjoying daily activities. Fortunately, there are several things you can do for your symptoms: Applying ice or heat reduces your knee pain, stiffness and swelling. Losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight takes stress off your knees. Enjoying activities such as swimming, biking or walking keeps your knee joint flexible. Using a knee brace or adding shock-absorbing inserts in your shoes can reduce pressure on your knees. Participating in self-management programs can help you feel more in control of your health.

    When should I see my healthcare provider?

    You should contact your provider if your knee hurts for no reason, or you have knee pain that’s getting worse.

    When should I seek immediate medical attention?

    You should go to the emergency room or contact your healthcare provider if your knee hurts and feels warm to the touch or your skin looks red. These are signs you might have an infection.

    Can osteoarthritis of the knee cause pain in my hip, leg or calf?

    Osteoarthritis of the knee can weaken your calf, thigh and hip muscles, but there’s no indication this muscle weakness is painful.

    Does osteoarthritis of the knee cause bone pain?

    Osteoarthritis of the knee causes your leg bones to rub together, which can lead to painful bone spurs. A note from Cleveland Clinic Osteoarthritis of the knee develops over time. You might not notice the twinge or ache that could be the first sign of knee osteoarthritis. Talk to your healthcare provider if you have knee pain that’s getting worse. Your provider can help you treat your symptoms and keep you moving. Early treatment can ease the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee and slow its progress. Medically Reviewed Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 09/08/2021. Learn more about our editorial process.

  5. 膝關節炎是香港最常見的關節炎, 它影響了 50 歲或以上的高達 7% 的男性和 13% 的女性1. 根據2020年香港人口統計資料,50歲或以上的有3161210人。 這意味著約有 110,000 名男性和 205,000 名年齡在 50 歲或以上的女性患有膝關節炎。 II. 怎麼知道我是否患有 OA 膝關節? 如果您至少有以下 3 種症狀,您很可能患有輕度至中度膝關節炎. 膝關節活動時有聲響. 晨僵<30分鐘. 骨質變大. 沒有明顯的發熱. 年齡>50. 骨性壓痛. 放射學 (X光)和臨床檢查可確診膝關節炎. III. 膝關節炎的物理治療?

  6. 概述. 骨关节炎是一种退行性关节疾病。 它会导致疼痛、肿胀和僵硬,影响人自由活动的能力。 骨关节炎影响整个关节,包括关节周围的组织。 它最常见于膝关节、髋关节、脊柱和手关节。 导致骨关节炎的因素有很多,其中包括关节损伤史或过度使用、年龄较长以及体重超重。 骨关节炎对女性的影响大于男性。 通过运动和健康饮食来锻炼强健的肌肉并保持健康体重可以减轻症状。 严重病例可行关节置换术以减轻疼痛和恢复活动能力。 一旦疼痛和活动功能丧失成为慢性病,骨关节炎患者在参加有意义的活动时往往会受到限制,幸福感下降,并出现心理困扰。 问题的范围. 在肌肉骨骼疾病中,骨关节炎是导致残疾生命年的重要因素之一。 由于骨关节炎多发于老年人(约70%年龄在55岁以上),随着人口老龄化,全球患病率预计将有所上升。

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