雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 腎功能檢查. Renal Function Test. 腎臟最主要的功能,是排出血液中的含氮廢物與過多的水份。 如果腎臟不能夠維時基本的功能,就稱為腎衰竭。 引起腎衰竭的主要原因是腎絲球腎炎,其次是糖尿病。 簡單的血液檢驗可以為您診斷腎功能是否正常,及早發現及作相應的治療可有效防止腎功能惡化。 立即預約. $ 400 # 共7項常規檢查. 附中文檢查報告. 由專業註冊醫護人員解釋報告. 24小時得知結果* 檢查詳情. 尿素. Urea. 肌酸酐. Creatinine. 尿酸. Uric Acid. 鈉. Sodium (Na) 鉀. Potassium (K) 氯化物. Chloride. 重碳酸鹽. Bicarbonate (CO2/HCO3) * 平均實際情況.

    • Introduction
    • Indication
    • Components of RFT
    • Albuminuria
    • Typical Tests
    • Clinical Significance
    • Physiotherapy

    Renal function tests (RFT) are a group of tests that may be performed together to evaluate kidney (renal) function. The tests measure levels of various substances, including several minerals, electrolytes, proteins, and glucose (sugar), in the blood to determine the current health of the kidneys. If the kidneys are not functioning properly, waste p...

    Indications for the assessment of renal function are varied and range from acute emergency to chronic settings. 1. Primarily, renal function tests are performed to identify the renal disease to determine appropriate patient management and prevent further deterioration of renal function. 2. Further indications in patients in whom the renal disease h...

    Clinically, the most practical tests to assess renal function is to get an estimate of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and to check for proteinuria (albuminuria).

    Albuminuria refers to the abnormal presence of albumin in the urine 1. Albuminuria is used as a marker for the detection of incipient nephropathy in diabetics. 2. It is an independent marker for the cardiovascular diseasesince it connotes increased endothelial permeability, and it is also a marker for chronic renal impairment. Urine albumin may be ...

    The individual tests included in a kidney function panel can vary by laboratory, but the tests typically performed include: 1. Electrolytes – electrically charged chemicals that are vital to normal body processes, such as nerve and muscle function; among other things, they help regulate the amount of fluid in the body and maintain the acid-base bal...

    Creatinine: Serum creatinine is elevated when there is a significant reduction in the glomerular filtration rate or when urine elimination is obstructed.  About 50%  of kidney function must be lost...
    BUN : Serum urea/BUN level increases in acute and chronic renal disease.
    eGFR equations are used to determine the presence of renal disease, stage of CKD, and to monitor response to treatment.

    Chronic Kidney Disease requires a multidisciplinary treatment approach. A Physiotherapist will be involved in Renal rehabilitation.

  2. 腎功能檢查 Renal Function Test. 其他--> 甲狀腺機能亢進、手術後。. 腎功能的損傷:腎通透性下降、多尿、多汗、嘔吐、腹瀉等引起鹽類水分的流失、休克、因出血造成腸胃道蛋白質代謝增加、急性或慢性腎疾病、腎後阻塞、高蛋白質飲食。. 低蛋白質和高 ...

  3. 2024年7月27日 · Renal function tests can assess overall renal function by directly measuring or estimating the glomerular filtration rate. In addition, they can determine whether the renal disease is acute or chronic. Urine albumin levels can be used to detect incipient nephropathy

    • Verena Gounden, Harshil Bhatt, Ishwarlal Jialal
    • 2023/07/17
    • 2018
  4. 本冊子可在卑詩省腎科中心(BC Renal Agency)網站下載, 網址:bcrenalagency.ca。如果您對驗血結果有更多問題或顧慮,請與您的腎臟 專科醫生、家庭醫生或腎臟護理組商討。認識腎臟檢驗項目 病人指引

  5. 腎功能檢查 (kidney function tests),通過各種方法檢查 腎臟 功能。. 腎臟的功能主要有:通過生成尿,保留對人體有用的物質, 排泄 體內的廢物和毒物,調節人體內的水分、電解質和 酸鹼平衡,從而保持機體內環境相對穩定;此外還有 內分泌 功能。. 正常腎臟有 ...

  6. 2022年10月12日 · 腎功能檢查方法及常見診斷項目. 早期的慢性腎功能疾病沒有任何症狀,只能透過測試才能發現問題,衡量腎功能是否正常有以下 6 大指標: