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ph. 片語
- 1. 【金融】倒貸;逆向抵押貸款;反向抵押貸款 For elderly people who are retired and have no income, reverse mortgage is a way to get a monthly pension which they can live on. 退休而沒有收入的老人,逆向質押是種方法可以讓他們每月領取養老金。
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安老按揭計劃是由香港按揭證券有限公司 (按揭證券公司)的全資附屬機構香港按證保險有限公司(按證保險公司)營運,旨在讓55歲或以上的人士利用他們在香港的住宅物業作為抵押品,以獲取安老按揭貸款。. 在安老按揭貸款下,借款人可選擇於固定或終身的 ...
The Reverse Mortgage Programme is operated by HKMC Insurance Limited (HKMCI), a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited (HKMC), which enables people aged 55 or above to use their residential properties in Hong Kong as security to obtain reverse mortgage loans.
2024年7月17日 · 逆按揭/安老按揭的目的是讓長者利用其擁有的住宅物業作為抵押品,從貸款機構那裡獲得按揭貸款,從而提升生活質素,特別適合那些擁有物業但現金不足的人士。 逆按揭/安老按揭申請條件. 逆按揭/安老按揭就申請資格方面主要有以下三項要求: 年齡要求:申請人必須年滿55歲或以上,持有有效香港身份證。 如果是未補地價的資助房屋業主,年齡要求則提升至60歲或以上。 財政要求:申請人必須沒有破產或涉及破產呈請,也不能有債務重組在身。 物業要求:用作抵押的物業必須是香港的住宅物業,樓齡須在50年或以下,且沒有任何轉售限制和沒有出租。 如是未補地價的資助房屋,需獲得有關當局的書面批准。 另外值得留意的是,逆按揭/安老按揭接受最多三位符合要求的申請人聯名申請,夫婦兩人也可一同申請。
Policy reverse mortgage is a loan arrangement. It enables a borrower to use his life insurance policy as collateral to borrow from a lender. The borrower can opt to receive monthly payouts either over a fixed period of 5, 10, 15 or 20 years or throughout his entire life until the maturity of his life insurance policy.
Reverse mortgage enables customer to pledge self-occupied residential property in Hong Kong to borrow from a bank. Customer will receive monthly payouts over a chosen payment term. Offers greater financial flexibility after retirement
準備退休計劃. 長糧. 香港寸金尺土,樓房向來具有一定的投資價值。 如果你想利用物業帶來退休收入,你可出售或出租物業,但如你的物業屬自住,你便要考慮自身居住的問題。 市場上有逆按揭貸款,未嘗不是退休人士可考慮作為獲得穩定收入,又不須出售自住物業的途徑。 收聽有聲文章(粵語) 逆按揭如何配合你的退休理財計劃? 逆按揭由香港按揭證券有限公司 (「按證公司」)推出,又稱「安老按揭計劃」 ,是由銀行提供的抵押貸款安排,貸款抵押品就是你的物業。 逆按揭計劃可視作為一種退休理財的工具,你可以用你的物業抵押給銀行,換取銀行的貸款。 你可以選擇於一個固定年期或終身每月領取貸款金額 (每月年金),為你帶來穩定的退休收入。
Reverse mortgage enables a borrower to use his residential property (or more than one property) in Hong Kong as security to borrow from a lender. Although the borrower mortgages his property in favour of the lender, he remains as the owner of the property and can continue to stay in the property for the rest of his life. Flexible payment term.
The Reverse Mortgage Programme* of HKMC Insurance Limited allows successful applicants to use their residential property in Hong Kong as security to borrow from a participating bank. Borrowers will receive monthly payouts and continue to stay in their property for the rest of their life.
A reverse mortgage is a loan arrangement between the borrower and the lender, where the borrower uses his residential property in Hong Kong as security to borrow money. The borrower receives monthly payments over a fixed period or throughout his entire life to improve his quality of life.
Reverse Mortgage Programme. The property owner can convert their residential properties into cash and/or a regular stream of monthly payouts – while they can live in the property for the rest of their life while no repayment during lifetime! Flexible Payment Term.