選擇性緘默症(英語: Selective mutism )是一種社交焦慮症,情緒行為障礙,患者有正常説話的能力,但在特定情境下就是說不出口。《精神疾病診斷與統計手冊》把選擇性緘默症描述為兒童的罕見心理失調。
A common genetic variant in the neurexin superfamily member CNTNAP2 is associated with increased risk for selective mutism and social anxiety traits. Biological Psychiatry, 69(9), 825-831.
社交活動時, 出調適,逐步提升學生的參與度。容許學生以不同的方法與人交流(如以點頭/ 搖頭回應是非題),減�.
选择性缄默症(英語: Selective mutism )是一種社交焦慮症,情緒行為障礙,患者有正常説話的能力,但在特定情境下就是說不出口。《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》把选择性缄默症描述为儿童的罕见心理失调。
Selective mutism (SM) is an anxiety disorder in which a person who is otherwise capable of speech becomes unable to speak when exposed to specific situations, specific places, or to specific people, one or multiple of which serve as triggers. This is caused by the freeze response.
What is selective mutism? Selective mutism (SM) is a mental health condition where you can’t talk in certain situations because of fear or anxiety. It usually affects young children, but it can also affect adolescents and adults.
選擇性緘默症是焦慮症的一種,患者雖然有正常説話能力,但在陌生環境下卻因為焦慮而無法說話。 病症通常在兒童時期出現,尤以六歲之前較多。 今集《杏林在線》會透過個案,講解選擇性緘默症的成因及治療方法,又會分享家長如何協助子女改善焦慮的情況。 創辦人的話. 我在童年有段很長的時間也在選擇性緘默症之中渡過,所以十分明白說不出話的痛苦,當中的誤解和感受難以讓人明瞭。 經過一番努力和專業訓練之後,現已成為言語治療師和註冊教師,這些年間運用自己的專業,幫助了不少選擇性緘默症和其他SEN類別的孩子,喜見他們重新張開嘴巴說話。 在2021年創建香港選擇性緘默症協會,是希望讓大眾了解此症的行為特徵、正確的資訊。 言語治療師 - Ms Wincy. 鳴謝顧問對本會的付出與支持,我們繼續為大眾提供實用資訊。
Selective mutism (SM) is a childhood anxiety disorder defined by the child’s persistent inability to speak to certain social settings and with certain people. Children with SM are typically able to verbally communicate in settings where they feel secure (such as at home, with caregivers and siblings).
2024年10月19日 · 选择性缄默症(英语: Selective mutism )是一种社交焦虑症,情绪行为障碍,患者有正常说话的能力,但在特定情境下就是说不出口。《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》把选择性缄默症描述为儿童的罕见心理失调。
Children with selective mutism have repeated difficulty speaking, or seem afraid to communicate, at certain times or in certain places. Selective mutism might continue into the teenage years and adulthood.