雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2012年,香港公司員工自發組建的“香港沙灘及郊野公園關注組”,持續十年在香港各區海灘及郊野公園組織多場清潔活動,已成為香港頗具影響力的公益組織。. 查看更多. Copyright © 中石化(香港)有限公司,All Rights Reserved. 隱私政策 隱私聲明.

  2. 中国石化以“为美好生活加油”为企业使命,主动践行社会责任,并将其转变为企业的经营理念,融入企业战略、生产经营和企业文化中,成为企业的自觉行为,不断强化社会责任管理,探索社会责任实践,加强社会责任沟通,充分发挥公司在带动经济、社会和 ...

  3. www.sinopec.com › listco › enHome | Sinopec Corp

    China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation is a vertically integrated energy & chemical company that is engaged in oil & gas exploration and production... more Company Report. First Quarterly Report for 2024 Download. Annual Report 2023 Download.

  4. www.sinopec.comSinopec

    Sinopec is a leading integrated energy and chemical company in China, engaged in oil and gas exploration, refining, and sales.

  5. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › SinopecSinopec - Wikipedia

    China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, or Sinopec, is a Chinese oil and gas enterprise based in Beijing. It is listed in Hong Kong and also trades in Shanghai. Sinopec Limited's parent, Sinopec Group, is the world's largest oil refining, gas and petrochemical .

  6. www.sinopecgroup.com › group › enChina Sinopec

    With promoting low-carbon transformation of global energy as its goal, Sinopec is committed to leading the future of energy and chemical industry with innovation, shouldering its responsibilities to refuel for a better life, and working with all stakeholders to build a better life.

  7. 中国石油化工股份有限公司(以下简称“中国石化”)是一家上中下游一体化、石油石化主业突出、拥有比较完备销售网络、境内外上市的股份制企业。. 中国石化是由中国石化集团有限公司依据... 中国石油化工股份有限公司(以下简称“中国石化”)是一家上 ...

  8. www.sinopecgroup.com › group › enwww.sinopecgroup.com

    Sinopec Group is a leading global energy and chemical company committed to low-carbon transformation and innovation for a better life.

  9. 公司簡介. 中石化冠德控股有限公司(以下簡稱“冠德控股”)於1998年3月在百慕達成立,於1999年6月25日在香港股票聯合交易所成功掛牌上市(股票代號:00934)。. 目前,冠德控股總股本為2 ...

  10. 2023年10月25日 · 中国石油化工股份有限公司 (英语: China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation ,SINOPEC ),简称 中石化 ( 港交所 : 0386 、 上交所 : 600028 、 NYSE : SNP 、 LSE : SNP )是一家巨型能源化工企业。. 它集 石油 的勘探、开采、炼制、运输、销售和化工产品的生产于 ...

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