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  1. 2024年6月13日 · A term loan is a loan from a bank for a specific amount that has a specified repayment schedule and a fixed or floating interest rate.

  2. 2013年4月25日 · 定期貸款(Term Loan/fixed loan)商業銀行的貸款按期限分類可分為活期貸款、定期貸款和透支三類。 定期貸款是指具有固定償還期限的貸款。 這種貸款通常是對公司的長期投資或者固定資產進行融資,例如:工廠、機器設備、房屋等,期限一般超過一年。

  3. 私人貸款邊間好?. 立即網上比較和申請銀行及財務公司私人貸款,包括Citibank﹑Welend﹑UA﹑DBS﹑東亞﹑眾安ZA等等,了解分期貸款計劃的貸款優惠﹑借貸利率﹑利息、手續費、每月還款額及MoneyHero獨家優惠回贈。. 想借低息私人貸款(P Loan)?. 免費用私人分期 ...

  4. 私人貸款計算機及還款表. 每月要還多少利息?. 每月還款中本金佔多少?. 即使你了解貸款機制及條款,一般的計算機及預算表都無法精準地計算出一個準確無誤的還款額及利息。. MoneyHero為你設立私人貸款計算機,可以在你已知實際貸款額、年利率及還款年期 ...

  5. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Term_loanTerm loan - Wikipedia

    A term loan is a monetary loan that is repaid in regular payments over a set period of time. Term loans usually last between one and ten years, but may last as long as 30 years. A term loan involves paying interest with the interest amount being added to the amount that needs to be repaid.

  6. DBS' Revolving Term Loan provides businesses with extra cash reserves. Flexible repayment options and no need to reapply, even for short-term loans. Click and Apply Easily.

  7. Find the ultimate comparison of personal loans in Hong Kong, featuring various types of loans that suit your needs. MoneyHero offers comprehensive P-loan options with the lowest interest rates available.

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