雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 位於AEON屯門店內的「UCC COFFEE SHOP」, 提供多款意粉、烏冬、焗飯、牛角酥窩夫...

  2. We grind our beans according to each order from our customers, UCC coffee is the coffee that is made just for you. There is also a wide variation of food in our menu, which you could enjoy with your family, for your own enjoyment, or on a special day.

  3. UCC Vienna Café (海逸坊, 紅磡) Address. 九龍紅磡海逸道8號海逸坊高層地面UG26-28號舖. Tel. 3156-1190. Opening Hours. 星期一至星期五 / 上午11時~晚上10時. 星期六、日及公眾假期 / 上午10時~晚上10時. Map.

  4. UCC COFFEE SHOP (Causeway Bay Plaza 1, Causeway Bay) Address Shop 212, 2/F., Causeway Bay Plaza 1, 489 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. Tel 2891-7340 Opening Hours MON - THU & SUN / 11:00am - 10:00pm FRI, SAT & PH Eves Map

  5. Waffle Pancake. (MELLOW BROWN COFFEE by UCC, B2/F at CWB Sogo Dept. Store Only) Waffle Pancake, made by MELLOW BROWN COFFEE, that you can enjoy both texture which are crisp outside, soft and fluffy inside. French Toast. An original dessert made with egg-based sauce that offers a soft chewy texture. Parfait.

  6. About Us. UCC was founded in 1933, and since then has been providing service to its customers with the ethos of "Delicious coffee for everyone". We develop our service and quality through our customers' perspective in order to pursue "Good Coffee Smile".

  7. Good Coffee Smile. 藉由咖啡帶給「顧客」以及「店舖的員工」愉悅微笑,這就是UCC的使命。. 如果您喜歡與他人交流和溝通、喜歡烹調料理,歡迎您加入UCC的大家庭。. 我們定期舉辦新人研修會及咖啡萃取技術研修會,只要對飲食行業具有濃厚興趣,即使沒有經驗 ...

  8. Contact Us. Thank you for coming to our coffee shop. Please leave your enquiries below. It is important for us to hear your voice in order to improve our service and menu.

  9. UCC自1933年創業以來,發展至今一直秉持創業者的精神「希望將香醇美味的咖啡送到世界的每一雙手上」。 而且,由始至今都經常以顧客的角度來觀視,為了創造出「Good Coffe Smile」,UCC集團今後將繼續鑽研及付出我們所有的努力。

  10. It is our mission to make our customers and our staff smile through coffee. We have training session for fresher and regular coffee extract training. You are welcome to join us even if you are a beginner in Food & Beverage industry.

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