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  1. vtc fashion design course 相關

  2. 校園參觀、體驗活動、升學講座及課程諮詢,搜羅最新課程資訊。歡迎學生及家長網上登記參加。 DSE考生必聽:11月9日文憑試考生升學貼士講座,VTC升學專家分享課程特色及多元升學路。


  1. The programme is designed to enable students to work in the fashion design and product development field. Students will find the programme both practical and creative, learning through fashion shows, live projects, design competitions, international exchange programmes, working with visiting practitioners and organisations from fashion and ...

  2. The programme seeks to enable students to master the most up-to-date communication strategies, knowledge and skills of image creative sector for fashion. The programme offers students opportunities to work with industries professionals, and exposure of the newest trends by industry guest seminars.

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. Upon completion of the Diploma of Vocational Baccalaureate (DVB) programmes, students can progress to Higher Diploma programmes in VTC, subject to their BTEC and IGCSE results. Applications with work experience and/or prior qualification(s) submitted will be assessed individually by the departments concerned.

  5. Course Aims This course provides students with access to the latest developments in fashion image design and develops their creativity, communication skills, team spirit and people skills through interactive learning and teaching activities. The course also helps students better prepare for further studies and/or employment in the fashion image ...

  6. Fashion Pattern Design: you will explore pattern drafting and alteration, putting into practice to transform 2D flat sketch into to 3D output; learn and apply pattern design knowledge to produce mock-up and eventually develop professional fashion pattern to reflect

  7. On completion of the PD in Fashion Design, learners are expected to be able to communicate design ideas by choosing appropriate presentation methods with specific market target; produce a professional portfolio of fashion design collection through research

  8. *学生完成本应用学习课程并符合相关VTC课程的豁免条件,可获相等於26至39课时的单元豁免。 就业 从事与时装设计、形象设计、时尚造型、发型设计、视觉及装置设计、时装零售/采购、时装摄影/媒体、发型/美容产品的营销以及时装新闻等相关工作。