雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年8月8日 · We've only barely scratched the surface of power spots in Japan. If you're really to recharge your spiritual batteries, a great place to start is with our list of Top 20 power spots across the country! You can find that list below. - allabout-japan.com.

  2. 2020年3月11日 · "Power spots" are places believed to endow visitors with refreshing or healing energy. In Japan, the concept generally centers around feng shui principles and sites where the Earth's energy is said to well up—meaning many power spots are tied to ancient

  3. 2017年12月11日 · Among the big cities in the area, including Osaka, Kyoto and Kobe, are easily accessible natural power spots. Japan is a haven for beautiful nature and Kansai is one of the best places to experience just that. 10. Nunobiki Falls. https://flic.kr/p/7ZHpv2. Hidden behind Shin-Kobe station is a very large waterfall gushing down to a pool of fresh ...

  4. 2019年11月1日 · 和国人很像,日本人向来崇尚大自然的力量,一直以来,「能量景点」(パワースポット / Power Spot)在日本人当中都有着超高人气。这种看不见摸不着的气息,像魔法般撩动着人类的感知,有人说,在某某山脉下驻足,能疗愈心灵,或者在某某湖心停泊片刻,可以让你忘却烦扰,迷途解忧,甚至 ...

  5. 北海道絕景6:積丹・日本海灘百選之一的島武意海岸. 島武意海岸位在積丹半島上,夏天可以親身感受海水的積丹藍海。. 通過幽暗的隧道後,映入眼簾的是蔚藍的天空與湛藍的海水,彷彿桃花源一般令人感到驚喜!. 海岸邊的左側有塊大岩石,被稱為屏風岩 ...

  6. 五塊錢的緣分. 寺院 神社 便宜 新年 寺院神社 日本初體驗 深度日本 在日生活. amanaimages.com. 人們到神社或寺廟祈禱時,總是會丟一點小錢到供奉箱裡。. 大部分的人都會丟銅板而金額也是因人而異。. 但是如果想要認識新朋友或是期待好姻緣的話,聽說5日元銅板 ...

  7. 2017年12月11日 · Starting from the Wakayama Prefecture, the Kumano Kodo Pilgrimage is the top natural power spot of Kansai. Designated as one of only two pilgrimages to be recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage property (listed as "Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range"), this extensive hike through the mountains is a rite of ...