雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. After the big bangs subside, locals love to head to nearby hot-spring resorts for a romantic soak—and so should you. The tranquil Maokong area has a remote and hidden-away feel to it, high up on slopes carpeted with fields of tea. Bring a group of friends, sit yourself down to some fine tea and good conversation, and from the commanding ...

  2. paper.udn.com › udnpaper › PIC0004聯副電子報

    1 天前 · 4. 街景 最教我永遠看不膩的,是街景。就只是這兩個字,街景。 它包含街道的開展法,像建在坡度上或建在彎弧的地勢。也包含街面上房子或店家的特有性格,於是町家有町家的趣味、隅丸建築有隅丸建築的美(在轉角上建成圓弧的造型)、看板建築(像是美國商業街面上falsefront)有看板建築的吸 ...

  3. 2019年1月2日 · Taipei's Dadaocheng (大稻埕) area was one of the first commercial areas to flourish in the Taipei Basin, and for a long time it was the most important. After going through a period of decline during the last couple of decades, today it is flourishing once more, and is a fascinating area of traditional commerce laden with historic sites.

  4. paper.udn.com › udnpaper › POH0056TAIPEI英文季刊

    2024年2月1日 · It creates a flavorful and sumptuous taste in the mouth. Before the Lunar New Year, those in Taipei usually head to Dihua Street (迪化街) in Dadaocheng to shop at the "Taipei Lunar New Year Festival (台北年貨大街)" and purchase mullet roe along with other festive items. Even foreign tourists, upon visiting Dihua Street, would be easily ...

  5. 聯副電子報. 2012/06/15 第3962期 ∣ ∣ 直接訂閱. 今日文選. 尤加利. 愛亞/聯合報. 我們講「十年樹木,百年樹人」,意思是樹要長十年才能砍伐了製家具、造屋、做船,尤加利樹卻可以五到七年就長成成年樹可堪輪伐……...

  6. 鍾喬/聯合報. 反對美國農產品傾銷的街頭抗爭。 (圖∕蔡明德攝影) 雖然,這很多年,他屢屢被飄過天際的烏雲遮蔽;然則,當我在暗影中思索人與思想、文學、行動的動盪與不安時,總會拾起他的每一本書,埋下深心,重又在他的書寫文字中,與波濤激湧的世界再次重逢並且探索…… 「你們是地上的鹽。 鹽若失了味,怎能教它再鹹? 以後無用,不過丟在外面,被人踐踏了。 」──《聖經 馬太福音》...

  7. 狗一旦在街頭獨立生活便會快速繁衍,產生新的流浪狗。. 居無定所的狗每天在車陣中面臨死亡或受傷的危險,或者牠們可能會染病。. 有些狗遭到捕捉、被安置在政府收容所中,如果沒有人領養牠們,牠們很快就會被處死。. 最後,人們可能沒想到這件事,但 ...

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