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  1. 2024年1月9日 · 從都心地區騎向海邊的自行車路線. Updated: January 9, 2024. 透過這條自行車路線,同時感受東京的傳統與現代風貌。. 從東京站周邊的近代高樓大廈群出發,經過佃島、月島等老街,接著穿越能夠一覽東京灣絕景的綠道自行車道後,結束這趟旅程。. 本路線以 ...

  2. 2024年2月20日 · Y&Y Cycling Tours (ENG): 由認證導遊帶領遊客探尋私房景點的秘境旅遊行程. Soshi's Tokyo Bike Tour (ENG): 小團制的東京自行車旅遊行程. Tokyo Bicycle Tours (ENG): 有5條路線可選的東京自行車旅遊行程. Tokyo Great Cycling Tour (ENG): 2006年起即提供的優質自行車旅遊行程. Dig Tokyo ...

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  4. 2024年1月9日 · 从东京市中心到海边的骑行路线. Updated: January 9, 2024. 这条骑行路线,可同时感受东京的传统与现代。. 从东京站周边的现代化高楼大厦群出发,经过佃岛、月岛等老街,再穿越能够一览东京湾绝景的绿道自行车道后,将结束这趟旅程。. 本路线以东京站为 ...

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  5. 2024年3月15日 · This course reproduces the actual one that served as the stage for a cycling road race held in 2023 that consisted mainly of the route used for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 that went through the metropolis. Enjoy the beautiful scenery as you ride through a full-scale course spanning over 70 km. Tama River.

  6. 2024年3月15日 · Inagi City was the starting point of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics cycling course. The Onekan (Minami-Tama One Kansen Road) and Tama River Cycling Course are meccas for cyclist enthusiasts. There are also numerous statues of characters from mecha anime scattered here and there, making it a fun area to search for robots.

    • olympics Cycling Mountain Bike schedule1
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  7. 2022年3月22日 · Exercise with local Tokyoites at this massive sports park. Originally built for the 1964 Olympics, the sprawling grounds of Komazawa Olympic Park are filled with sporting facilities, including baseball fields, tennis courts, a swimming pool, and an indoor gym.

  8. 2024年2月20日 · Plan Your Trip. Bicycles. Updated: February 20, 2024. Discovering Tokyo by bicycle is a fun way to explore the city offering you a wider range of sights and sounds that might otherwise be missed if you are traveling on other forms of public transport. Bicycle Sharing and Rental.