雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.jnto.go.jp › projects › business-overviewJNTO Organization Brochure

    National Tourism OrganizationJNTO is a public agency established in 1964, the year the first Tokyo Olympics were held. Since then, we have been engaged in attracting international visitors to Japan for more than 50 years as a designated We have ...

  2. www.jnto.go.jp › projects › business-overviewJNTO Organization Brochure

    The JNTO has launched a new medium-term operational plan for the five-year period starting in FY2023, too.Realizing Sustainable Regions and Tourism Through Rapidly Recovering Inbound Travel to JapanAtsumi Gamo, President of Japan National Tourism Organization(JNTO). 元のページ ../index.html#2.

  3. JR "Sakura" & "Hikari" Shinkansen Schedule 《 Kagoshima-Chuo ⇒Hakata ⇒ Shin-Osaka ⇒ Tokyo》 Note 1: There is no direct "HIKARI" Shinkansen (bullet trains) from Kagoshima-Chuo and Hakata to Tokyo. Note 2: The figure in parenthesis ( ) is the platform

  4. This report summarizes achievements of tourism promotion efforts carried out by the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) in conjunction with the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games (hereinafter the ”Tokyo 2020 Games”) and highlights the international perspective about visiting Japan. Scope.

  5. 全国通訳案内士試験概要. 全国通訳案内⼠試験は、全国通訳案内⼠として必要な知識及び能⼒を有するかどうかを判定することを⽬的として毎年1回実施される国家試験です。. JNTOは観光庁の代⾏機関として、毎年度の全国通訳案内⼠試験を実施しています ...

  6. イベント名:Routes Asia 2024. URL:https://www.routesonline.com/events/246/routes-asia-2024/. 開催日時:2024 年2 月27 日(火)~2 月29 日(木) 開催場所:マレーシア・ランカウイ. 対象:航空業界関係者(BtoB) 参加国数:36カ国. 参加者数:航空会社:106 社、空港:104 空港、観光関連:16団体 計約900 ...

  7. 日本政府観光局(JNTO) - Japan National Tourism Organization