雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 澳洲移民 相關

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  1. 必備錦囊! 澳洲留學準備清單1:所需簽證. 論及海外留學,大家一定最先想到簽證問題。 所有學生簽證均屬於Subclass 500,包括高等教育留學、職業教育和培訓(VET)及研究生簽證,獲發簽證後,可於澳洲留學長達5年時間。 如有任何簽證疑問,可以參考 內政事務部網站 。 澳洲留學準備清單2:醫療保險. 而要獲發簽證,必須先購買海外留學生健康保險(OSHC),受保期涵蓋整個留學期間。 但要留意OSHC的保障或未夠全面,有需要可向私人保險公司加購保險。 澳洲留學準備清單3:設定銀行服務. 預先設定有環球服務的海外銀行戶口,連同戶口詳情、扣款卡或信用卡出發,避免到埗後因缺乏當地信用紀錄而未能申請信用卡的問題。 澳洲留學準備清單4:預訂住宿. 校園寄宿在澳洲並不常見,海外留學生大多要租住公寓。

  2. Promise provides 24-hour quick and easy online loan services, allowing you to complete loan procedures anytime and anywhere. From application, to contract signing and fund transfer, the entire loan process can be completed on Promise's 24/7 online lending platform.

  3. Applying for Promise loan online is quick and convenient. You can test your loan eligibility by filling in simple personal information only. The loan is transferred immediately upon approval! Get your urgent financial needs resolved now.

  4. 一文為你比較不同專科收費,讓你在保障健康的同時,減輕荷包負擔! 海外留學熱點? |澳洲留學申請流程、費用全攻略. 為何澳洲留學會成為海外留學一大熱點? 馬上搶先掌握5大優勢! 交稅計算|個人入息課稅申請、免稅額計算、交稅方法全攻略. 原來懂得運用「個人入息課稅」,有機會減輕您的税務負擔? 汽車貸款冷知識|供車上會計算知多啲|精明買車攻略. 買車傳統會透過上會(汽車貸款)進行供款,但近年不少人都會考慮私人貸款,兩者究竟有何分別? 買二手車流程攻略|買二手車流程、上會 vs 私人貸款、注意事項. 二手車買賣流程錯綜複雜,一文助您深入理解買二手車注意事項! 裝修超支點算好? |盤點省錢大法、裝修貸款|打造夢想之家. 裝修省錢攻略,一步步助您打造夢想之家!

  5. Promise (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd is a 100% wholly owned overseas subsidiary of SMBC Consumer Finance (hereinafter "SMBCCF"), one of the leading consumer finance institutions in Japan. Established as a licensed money lender in Hong Kong in 1992, Promise (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd inherits the experience of SMBCCF in credit management, operation management ...

  6. Instant Approval Online. Apply for your personal loan online and get preliminary approval results instantly. The process is simple, convenient and adds flexibility to your cash flow management. To apply online, you only need to provide your ID card and mobile number #. Flexible Repayment.

  7. In general, if you choose to receive the repayment by bank account, we will transfer the loan instantly via FPS from Monday to Saturday (excludes system maintenance period) upon completion of the application procedure. Note: Actual time of fund transfer will be

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