雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 東京Metro地鐵車票資訊。 提供票價的計算方式、換乘路線、車票種類以及月票等資訊。

  2. 年齡層. 對象. 大人. 12歲以上的乘客按照大人票價收費,但12歲的小學生仍按照兒童票價收費。. 兒童. 6歲至11歲的乘客按照兒童票價收費。. (兒童票價為大人票價的一半,個位數無條件進位。. 使用IC卡乘車時,小數點後無條件捨去。. ) 滿6歲但尚未上小學的 ...

  3. Fares according to age are as follows: Category. Age. Adult. An adult fare applies to persons age 12 and up. However, any 12 year old who is still in elementary school is still considered a child. Child. A child fare applies to persons age six to eleven (the child fare is half of the adult fare. Figures are rounded up to the nearest 10-yen unit ...

  4. 東京Metro地鐵景點指南。提供東京Metro地鐵沿線的觀光景點資訊。 坐東京地鐵遊東京 搭乘東京Metro地鐵可以前往東京的熱門景點,即使是下雨天仍有許多景點能讓您遊玩。

  5. 本指南包含各年齡層旅客都能輕鬆瞭解的圖示說明。. 我們相信培養大家對東京地鐵安全的瞭解及興趣,將有助於人們在緊急狀況發生時更冷靜地採取行動,迅速確保旅客的安全。. 袖珍安全指南 (2020 版本:已更新) (4.37MB) Handy Safety Guide (2020 Version: Updated) e-book.

  6. 东京Metro地铁车票信息页面。 提供票价的计算方式、换乘路线、车票种类以及月票等信息。

  7. Fares according to age are as follows: Category. Age. Adult. An adult fare applies to persons age 12 and up. However, any 12 year old who is still in elementary school is still considered a child. Child. A child fare applies to persons age six to eleven (the child fare is half of the adult fare. Figures are rounded up to the nearest 10-yen unit ...

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