雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 嘉道理家族 (英語: Kadoorie ; 希伯來語 : כדורי ‎;阿拉伯语: خضوري ‎),又譯 加多利家族 [1] ,是一個富裕的 米茲拉希猶太族裔 家族,祖先世居 伊拉克 首都 巴格達 。. 18世紀時遷居至印度 孟買 ,19世紀在中國 上海 跟隨 沙遜家族 發跡 ...

  2. 中国慢性病前瞻性研究(Kadoorie Study of Chronic Disease in China, KSCDC,后更名为China Kadoorie Biobank, CKB)项目是2002年原卫生部批准立项,先后由中国疾病预防控制中心、中国医学科学院、北京大学与英国牛津大学合作开展的一项大型慢性病前瞻

  3. 米高·嘉道理GBS (Michael Kadoorie,1941年-),伊拉克 犹太裔中国香港企业家,中电集团 主席,香港上海大酒店 主席,中华电力 公司创办人 埃利·嘉道理 之孙 [1]。2015年1月米高·嘉道理是香港十大富豪之一其资产达89亿美元排名第7位

  4. The Kadoorie Family has been intimately associated with the development of Hong Kong for over 140 years. In 1880, Elly Kadoorie emigrated from Baghdad, Iraq to the Far East via Bombay, India. Over the following decades, he built up a business empire centred

  5. Sir Michael David Kadoorie, GBS (born 1941) is a Hong Kong billionaire businessman, and the chairman and 18% owner of CLP Group, Hong Kong's largest electricity producer. [1] [2] He also owns 47% of Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels. [1] He is a member of the Kadoorie family .

  6. Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden (KFBG) spreads over 148 hectares of land on the northern slopes of Tai Mo Shan, Hong Kong's highest mountain, near the town of Tai Po. KFBG has a deep-set valley between two ridges, with a stream running steeply down

  7. 2023年3月21日 · Kadoorie tells me that 70 per cent of them are sold (most of them off-market; prices are strictly on application). The rest, mostly smaller units, “have been withdrawn for now, because we’ve ...

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