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    • 19 languages

      • Available in 19 languages worldwide on iOS, Android, and desktop, MeWe is the uplifting next-gen social network with exciting, easy-to-use features people love for connecting with friends, family, and common interest groups, including: newsfeeds for contacts and close friends; pages; private 1:1 and group chats; private and open groups; disappearing content; stories; a great custom camera with GIF creation; live voice and live video; next-gen voice messaging; personal cloud storage; custom ...
  1. 其他人也問了

  2. Available in 19 languages worldwide on iOS, Android, and desktop, MeWe is the uplifting next-gen social network with exciting, easy-to-use features people love for connecting with friends, family, and common interest groups, including: newsfeeds for contacts and close friends; pages; private 1:1 and group chats; private and open groups; disappea...

  3. 2023年2月24日 · MeWe中文版丨隨著Facebook及Twitter被指洩露用家資料及審查內容,又有Whatsapp 加入霸道條款影響個人私隱後,唔少人早已已經「跳船」去 MeWe 開闢另一片天,而家有埋全中文介面又會唔會出現「移民潮」2.0? 即睇MeWe中文版教學! MeWe中文版丨香港3步設定即用! 使用教學+新增繁體中文介面. 個人私隱同言論自由不嬲都係全球所關注嘅問題,但近日Facebook小動作頻頻,先後喺主平台及Whatsapp動刀,最受人關注當然就係早前宣布社交媒體Facebook及Instagram將凍結美國總統特朗普帳戶時間延長最少兩星期,直至總統權力交接完成。

  4. 2021年1月26日 · 不過,好些用家覺得 MeWe 沒有中文版,用落還是未夠得心應手,最近 MeWe 除更新網頁版設有繁體中文版之外,就連 iOS 版本也新增有繁體中文版,現在就等 ezone.hk 教大家如何在 iPhone 上將 MeWe 設定成中文版! 繼 MeWe 網頁版有繁體中文後

  5. MeWe is a social network that respects your privacy and freedom of expression. If you have any questions about how to use MeWe, you can find answers in our FAQ section. Learn how to create an account, join groups, share content, and more.

  6. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › MeWeMeWe - Wikipedia

    MeWe is a global social media and social networking service. As a company based in Los Angeles, California it is also known as Sgrouples, Inc., doing business as MeWe. The site has been described as a Facebook alternative due to its focus on data privacy.[2][3][4][5][6] In 2022, MeWe announced it will migrate its platform over time to a Web3 ...

    • May 16, 2012 (as Sgrouples)
    • Internet
    • MeWe; MeWePro
  7. MeWe contains no ads, no targeting, and no newsfeed manipulation. It is available on iOS, Android and desktop in more than 20 languages and over 200 countries worldwide. Our journey began in New Mexico in 2011 when co-founders Mark Weinstein and

  8. 2020年11月25日 · MeWe繁體 MeWe用後感. #1 三步即能設定繁體中文介面. 在第一轉MeWe移民潮後,有些香港和台灣新用戶都因全英文介面而有所卻步,MeWe終於帶來了繁體中文介面,只需三步就能更新: Step 1/ 首先在畫面右上方按下你個人「頭像」>「Settings」 Step 2/ 右上方「Language」按一下「English」 Step 2/ 按「English」後選出列單中的「中文 (香港)」即可。 溫馨提提繁體中文介面暫時只支援網頁版,但相信手機版亦會即將更新。 #2 版面如「簡易版 FB」