雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 醫療及危疾保險. 助您應付突如其來的醫療支出及危疾. 自願醫保. 我們的自願醫保計劃獲政府認可,為您提供廣泛的醫療保障,讓您輕鬆享用私家醫療服務,兼享稅務扣減. 旅遊保險. 為您下一次旅程或海外升學獲取萬全保障,更可輕鬆網上投保. 家居及家傭保險. 為家傭、家居或財物提供不同保障,讓業主或租客均住得安心. 推薦文章. 不同人生階段 不同保障規劃. 持續守護摯愛. 未來財富全守護. 如何選擇適合您的保險計劃. 職場新人如何選擇合適的保險計劃? 拆解人壽保險四大迷思. 聯絡我們. 想知道如何獲取更完善保障? 今日就讓我們的財務策劃經理為您親身籌劃。 您可以預約與我們會面,亦可通過視像會議咨詢。 了解 如何設置視像會議 (PDF) ,並在會議前閱讀 相關注意事項 。 網上預約.

  2. 主要特點. 危急保障. 提供周全保障,包括個人意外賠償額高達港幣200萬元,以及醫療費用賠償額高達港幣500萬元. 保障指定損失. 保障由惡劣天氣、罷工、恐怖活動或自然災難引起的指定損失. 保障所有年齡層. 所有受保人士,包括兒童均可享本計劃的全部保障. 手機保障. 您的手提電話提供高達港幣6,000元保障. 限時優惠. 於2024年3月18日至2024年5月17日期間(包括首尾兩天)申請: 「多程旅遊萬全保」可享首年保費七折及港幣100元之惠康超市現金禮券. 單次「旅遊萬全保」可享保費八五折. 受 條款及細則 約束. 比較「滙豐旅遊萬全保」計劃. 查看 更多保障詳情 。 此外,您亦可以投保全年適用的「多程旅遊萬全保」,獲享額外優惠: 只需一個保費,保障全年無限次旅程,每程最長可達100日.

  3. HSBC provides comprehensive insurance covering life, medical, savings and retirement, travel and home, to meet your every need.

  4. As the leading life insurer in Hong Kong, HSBC Life offers a wide range of life insurance products through HSBC banking channels and third-party brokers, including solutions to meet your protection, education, retirement, wealth growth and legacy planning needs.

  5. Enjoy the freedom to travel the world with TravelSurance – Hong Kong travel insurance from HSBC. Fully comprehensive cover for you, your family and friends. New safety measure for Android device

  6. insurance.hsbc.com.hkMy insurance

    My insurance - HSBC HK. Manage your policies, enjoy premium discounts, and find the coverage you need for your life's journey. Apply online for a range of insurance plans.

  7. Our HSBC Ultra Wealth Goal Insurance Plan lets you enrich your wealth with long-term growth potential while safeguarding you with comprehensive life protection. Opening up a world of possibilities. The opportunity for long-term capital growth with a guaranteed cash value at 85% of the premium you paid during the early years.

  8. Make a single premium to HSBC TargetSave RMB Insurance Plan, you can get 125% (Guaranteed return: 4.56% per annum) 1 of your premium paid in just 5 years upon policy maturity together with life protection during the policy term. How does TargetSave RMB work? Guaranteed Growth. Make a one-time payment and get 125% 1 of your premium back in 5 years.

  9. Life Insurance. HSBC Term Protector is a term life insurance plan with no savings element underwritten by HSBC Life (International) Limited. It is not a bank deposit or bank savings plan. How we can help you. Thinking about how you can leave a meaningful legacy if the unexpected happens?

  10. Limited time offers: Get up to 12% off your first-year premium. T&Cs apply. Earn up to an extra $6,000 RewardCash. T&Cs apply. HSBC Swift Save Insurance Plan. A three-year insurance plan with guaranteed returns to reach your goals. This insurance plan is available online only.

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