雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港 (繁體中文) 立即報考. IELTS Ready Premium. 利用個人化的IELTS備試資源做最好的考試準備. 優先報考以享有獨家優惠! 立即報考. IELTS-受全球 11,000 多個組織信賴. 「 IELTS全接觸」講座 立即報名. English Online:100%教師主導網上課程. 搜尋你的目的地所需IELTS分數.

  2. 香港. 拉下選單挑選適合的考試場地與時間. 香港島. 尖沙咀. 旺角, 油麻地和佐敦. 觀塘. 沙田. 荃灣. 澳門. 備註:如果您未滿18歲,正考慮英國簽證及移民考試,或者要申請特別安排考試,請報考尖沙咀場地。 ** [即時優惠 報考IELTS! ]** 現報考IELTS考試,免費送你: [IELTS Ready Premium]備考精讀* 了解更多: https://bit.ly/3C9TwID. *IELTS Ready Premium 備考精讀包括40 個練習考試 – 口語、寫作、閱讀和聽力; 附上標準答案,實況IELTS考官要求; 技巧深造班等等. 考試費用包含 免 費 獨家備試教材、模擬考題等豐富資源.

  3. We offer British Council IELTS in 14 locations across Hong Kong and Macau, at affordable prices. Select your test date and book IELTS today.

  4. You can take your test at one of our official test centres on paper or on a computer and enjoy a wide range of IELTS test dates in Hong Kong. In Hongkong, you can also take IELTS Online (IELTS Academic only) from the comfort of your home or any private space with a reliable internet connection.

  5. 香港 (简体中文) 立即报考. IELTS Takes You Places. 不管是英国˴美国˴加拿大˴澳洲˴纽西兰或是你心中的理想国度,雅思都可以帶你前往! 了解更多. 雅思 - 受全球 11,000 多個組織信賴. 「IELTS全接触」讲座. 你认识雅思医生吗 ? 查看您需要的雅思分数.

  6. Welcome to Online Examinations Registration. Prepare for and take the IELTS test with British Council Hong Kong. IELTS is the world's proven English test which opens the door to study and work opportunities abroad, including in the UK, Australia and the US.

  7. 香港. 澳门. IELTS Asia is an official IELTS website by British Council, providing test takers with one stop information on preparation materials, test day procedures, scholarships and promotions.