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  1. 2021年1月25日 · 而劇中,Christine造型百變,就像她個人IG一樣,每次一出場總是以「必贏」決心精心妝扮,從高級訂製服、頂級千萬珠寶,搭配各式髮型,很難不吸引眾人眼光。以下VOGUE整理20套Christine Chiu超狂造型,不論劇裡、劇外,都散發耀眼光芒。

  2. 2021年1月20日 · 《璀璨帝國》第一季共有8集,首集先以曾參加過《The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills的貴婦Christine Chiu為主軸。出生於台灣的她23歲遷居美國,嫁給華裔丈夫Gabriel Chiu,憑著出色的公關技巧和商業手腕助丈夫建立事業。

  3. 1 天前 · Netflix實境秀「璀璨帝國」裡瘋狂亞洲富豪克莉絲汀(Christine Chiu)日前受邀祕密訪台,返美後透過社群平台向全球觀眾展示台灣的高端精緻、家庭 ...

  4. 2021年1月20日 · 老公是皇帝後代,知名整形醫生. 2006 Christine 跟好萊塢的整形外科名醫 Dr. Gabriel Chiu 結婚,她也是歷經一番寒徹骨才鞏固自己在夫家的地位。 原來,老公有生育方面的問題,她一直無法順利懷孕,一直到生下兒子,才開始被婆婆重視。 想不到光鮮亮麗的 Christine ,也曾經有著跟尋常女人一樣的婆媳問題跟生子煩惱。 現在,她除了是實境秀主角,也是另一半在事業上的得力助手,夫妻倆正一塊打造出比佛利山最強大的整形事業帝國。 而且 Christine 的老公的背景相當驚人,她曾在節目中透露,老公是宋朝傳下來的第 24 代「趙姓傳人」,並提到如果中國還有王朝,那老公就會是皇帝,兩人的兒子「寶貝G」則會是太子,那她也就是皇后啦。

    • She's An Extremely Active Philanthropist and Businesswoman.
    • She Almost Became A Real Housewife.
    • She's Basically Married to Royalty.
    • She's A High-Fashion Fanatic.

    Chiu, who was born in Taiwan, graduated from Pepperdine University with a degree in international business and initially began working in PR in the beauty industry. Now, she uses her business acumen as a managing partner for her husband's luxury medispa in Beverly Hills, which counts plenty of celebrities and Hollywood bigwigs among its clients. In...

    Back in 2014, the Daily Mail published photos that appeared to show Chiu shopping and dining with The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast member Brandi Glanville in full view of Bravo's camera crew. Reports at the time confirmed that Chiu was "definitely in the running" to join RHOBHas a full-time cast member, and that she had been considered to ...

    In Bling Empire, Chiu notes that if dynasties were still a thing in China, her husband would be the son of the emperor, and their son Gabriel Christian Chiu III—aka Baby G—would be a "little prince." It's true: The older Gabriel is "the 24th direct descendant of the Song Dynasty," Chiu told Town & Countryin 2019.

    Chiu's Instagram feed is an incredible tribute to her love of haute couture. I mean, who doesn'twear Dolce & Gabbana couture and dress their toddler in a tiny Gucci suit on Thanksgiving? She's also spoken often about her very precise approach to shopping the runways. "The first process of elimination is if it overlaps with any other pieces I'm pote...

  5. www.imdb.com › name › nm12237447Christine Chiu - IMDb

    Christine Alexandra Chiu is a Taiwanese-American businesswoman and philanthropist. She is the star and producer of the Netflix reality TV series, 'Bling Empire' that documented a group of affluential Asian Americans living in Los Angeles as they balance modern life with traditional cultural values.

  6. 打破亞裔刻板印象,揭秘瘋狂亞洲富豪 Christine Chiu 的真實面 | Tatler Asia. 同時參與 Netflix 熱門節目《璀璨帝國》演出與製作的 Christine Chiu 表示,觀眾喜愛這個節目是出自對這個迷人眩目的世界心懷好奇。 由於今年即將推出第二季,她也藉此機會解釋多元文化的重要性。

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