雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.consumer.org.hk › enConsumer Council

    The Consumer Council (the Council) is pleased to submit its views with respect to the public consultation issued by the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (FSTB) on the legislative proposals to regulate over-the-counter (OTC) trading of virtual assets (VA) through the introduction of a licensing regime for providers of VA OTC services ...

  2. About Us. Protecting Consumer Rights from Past to Future. Established in 1974, the Consumer Council (the Council) endeavours to study and promote the protection of consumer rights.

  3. Location. Frequently Asked Questions. 1. What kinds of complaints would the Council handle? 2. What is the Councils role in complaints handling? 3. What may prevent the Council from pursuing a complaint by conciliation? 4. What kind of information should I be prepared to provide when lodging a complaint with the Council? 5.

  4. Please send your enquiries, comments or suggestions to the Consumer Council through: General Enquiries For consumer complaints or enquiries, please use electronic complaint form or electronic enquiry form .

  5. 1 天前 · The Consumer Council reviewed 5 spam call blocker apps more widely used in Hong Kong and found that 2 apps, after obtaining access rights, would upload and consolidate information of the entirety of the users’ contacts into the apps’ databases.

  6. 啤酒是歷史最悠久、普及範圍最廣的酒精飲料之一。 日常交際應酬或慶祝活動中,亦是常見的飲品。 本會首次測試30款預先包裝罐裝或支裝啤酒,... 2024.04. 570期. 月費懸殊 雜費繁多 私營安老院要嚴選. 本港人口持續高齡化,若消費者日常忙於工作,未必能長時間照顧家中長者,可是,政府資助的安老院需求殷切。 根據社會福利署(社署)提供的資... 免費文章. 2024.04. 570期. 免費. 寵物服務多甩漏 留意伏位減爭拗. 2024.04. 570期. 免費. 惜食識儲存 新鮮蔬果Q&A. 2024.04. 570期. 免費. 50年耕耘倡精明消費. 重燃興旺繁榮從根源着手. 2024.03. 569期. 免費. 長者也理財 傳統、數碼銀行服務均需友善! 2024.03. 569期.

  7. 消費者委員會(消委會)成立於1974年,致力研究和倡導維護消費者權益的工作。 1976年《選擇》月刊面世,成為全球首本華文消費者雜誌,至今仍為消委會推廣消費者教育的旗艦刊物。 早在上世紀70年代起,消委會已成為「國際消費者聯會」的重要一員。 近年消委會更積極加強與兩岸四地,以及鄰近大灣區的合作,共同維護消費者權益。 科技發展一日千里,消費模式亦隨之不斷轉變。 邁向未來,消委會將擁抱科創發展,與時並進,繼續為推動本港以至全球的消費者權益工作,擔當舉足輕重的角色。 主席的話. 消費者委員會作為本港推動消費者權益的法定機構,自1974年成立以來,堅定地倡議和擁護消費者權益。

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