雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. CUHK VPN allows CUHK users to securely connect to the campus network from the Internet (such as from a home broadband service). Data transferred in between is encrypted. Some CUHK websites / online resources require VPN when accessed from outside

  2. CUHK VPN (虛擬私人網路) CUHK VPN 允許中大用戶安全地從互聯網(例如從家居寬頻服務)連接到校園網絡,資料會以加密形式傳送。 部分中大網站/網上資源需要通過 VPN 才可以從校外網絡造訪。 為善用網絡資源,與校園服務無關的網絡通訊將透過你的互聯網服務供應商 (ISP) 通訊,仿如沒有使用到 CUHK VPN 一樣 (split-tunnel)。 適用於. 教職員及學生. 收費及申請. 免費;無需申請. 服務時間. 24×7; 系統維修時段除外. 校外訪問圖書館電子資源. 請透過圖書館網站或 LibrarySearch 中提供的連結使用圖書館的 Easy Access 系統,在校外訪問圖書館電子資源,此方式不需要使用現時的 CUHK VPN (於 2023 年 8 月推出)。

  3. 於iOS 連接CUHK VPN服務. ( 此用戶指南適用於iOS 11 用戶,如你正使用iOS 8/9/10 ,有關界面或略有不同。 A. 使用須知. 使用服務前,請確保閣下的OnePass 賬戶有效。 如有查詢,請於ITSC Service Desk. (https://servicedesk.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/) 留言。 6. 輸入VPN設定檔資料: 描述: “CUHK VPN” 伺服器: “vpn.cuhk.edu.hk” (iii) 賬戶: (你的. computing_id)* (iv) 密碼: (your_onePass_password) (v) 密鑰: “ipsec-vpn

  4. Departments may request restricted VPN service for their collaborating partners, such as contractors or vendors, who are not CUHK staff or students. The requesting service solely serves projects that require non-CUHK units to provide remote support and maintenance to dedicated servers or machines in departments during a specific period of time.

  5. 2023年5月22日 · Pilot CUHK VPN Add-On Service for Online Teaching and Learning Activities | CUHK EdTech. Last Modified on 22/05/2023 3:28 pm HKT. Background. CUHK VPN allows CUHK users to securely connect to the campus network even over a non-CUHK network access (e.g. home broadband service).

  6. The New CUHK VPN solution resolves the potential risk induced by improper client configuration while using the Legacy VPN solutions (IPsec CUHK VPN and SSL VPN). While we see more and more users ready to switch to the new service, the Legacy VPN solutions will be retired in Jul 2023.

  7. PayloadDisplayName VPN (CUHK VPN) PayloadIdentifier CUHK VPN.vpn1 PayloadOrganization CUHK PayloadType com.apple.vpn.managed PayloadUUID 7FA125DB-15B5-1D55-B42C-8F8117EDF884 PayloadVersion 1 Proxies HTTPEnable 0 HTTPSEnable 0