雅虎香港 搜尋


    • Pick up 接聽/拿起。Pick up 本身有「拎起」之意,而話 “pick up a call” 或 “pick up the phone” 就係接聽電話咁解。
    • Get through 打通。“Get through” 意思係成功打通電話,與對方通話。e.g.I tried to call you but couldn’t get through.
    • Put (somebody/ the call) through 為(某人)接通(電話)/接線。如果對方需要你轉線給其他同事,你就可以話:e.g.Please hold and I will put you through.
    • Hold on/ Hang on 稍等/不要掛斷。“Hold on/ hang on” 都十分適合同 “put…through” 一齊使用,例如:e.g.
  1. Knowing how to say "drop off the call" can help you wrap up conversations in a professional and respectful manner. In this guide, we'll explore both formal and informal ways to end a call, providing tips, examples, and a few regional variations where applicable.

  2. 其他人也問了

  3. You should say I dropped off the call because it is something that you already did, it is in the past. Drop- present time/tense dropped past time/tense

    • 「接」的英文怎麼說?
    • 「送」的英文怎麼說?
    • That’S It, Folks!

    「去某處接某人」的英文是pick someone up。如果你還記得,一開始大家學到 pick up 時,都是先學「把東西從地上撿起來」的意思,正因如此,我自己一直覺得 pick someone up 是很有畫面的,會讓我聯想到類似「開車到某處,然後像夾娃娃機一樣把某人拎到車上」的感覺 😂,其實還滿好記的。來看例句吧: 從上面兩組的例句對照可以看出來,pick someone up 在用法上,有個小地方是需要注意的,就是如果接的某人是代名詞,如 me、you,這時候的人只能放在pick up 的中間,像是pick me up、pickyou up。當然,如果這個某人不是代名詞,如 my brother,那麼要放中間或後面都可以,像是 pick my brother up、pick up m...

    1. drop off

    如果是「開車把某人送/載到某處」,可以用drop off ,在日常生活中經常是指順路載某人去哪裡的意思,不過,也可以用來指派車接送的服務。drop off 也滿好記的,等於是呈現出了跟 pick up相反的畫面感,就字面上來看,是把人放下去的感覺,所以用來指到了某個地方就讓對方下車,例如: 在用法上,第一個要注意的是 drop off 當動詞用時,off 是可以省略的。第二個要注意的是,一樣,遇到人是代名詞時,就只能把這個人夾在中間。最後要注意的是,由於drop off 本身的邏輯是「在」某個地點把某人放下去,而不是「到」某個地點,所以介系詞通常是用 at,並不是用大家容易以為的to唷,例如: 當然,drop off 也跟pick up 一樣,除了上面示範的動詞用法,也可以變成名詞的用法 drop-off,例如:

    2. give someone a ride/lift

    give someone a ride(美語) 或是give someone a lift(英語)也可以用來指載某人到某處。剛剛提過,在日常生活的情境,drop someone off 會有一種「順路載某人去哪裡」的感覺,至於 give someone a ride/lift,則比較是強調「特地載某人去某處」的感覺。

    3. see someone off

    see someone off就英文的字面上來看,是看著他人離開的意思,常用在特地去機場或火車站,向某人告別的情境,所以這個說法對即將遠行的人多了一份心意,等於是中文的「送行」、「送別」。來看例句:

    喔耶!看完了,你好棒 🎉!以後在日常生活要用英文表達各種「接送」時,你就可以輕鬆開口囉。「接」比較單純,「送」就有比較多的可能性,先釐清是哪一種情境,再選擇符合的說法就好。還有其他英文的問題嗎?快去英文庫 🆒 的其他文章逛逛吧!

  4. 2018年10月1日 · zhonglin. Senior Member. Manila. Mandarin. Oct 1, 2018. #1. Hi Folks, On a conference call, is it possible to say " I'll drop off " to mean will leave the call? Loob. Senior Member. English UK. Oct 1, 2018. #2. Not in my version of English, I'm afraid. I'll drop off is more likely to mean I'll fall asleep. sdgraham. Senior Member. Oregon, USA.

  5. The sentence "I need to drop off the call" is correct and can be used in written English. You can use this sentence when you need to indicate to the other person on the call that you need to end the conversation. For example, "It was nice speaking with you, but I need to drop off the call. Goodbye!".

  6. 2018年6月4日 · 特斯拉汽車. "Walk out of a meeting or drop off a call as soon as it is obvious you aren't adding value. It is not rude to leave, it is rude to make someone stay and waste their time.」 「如果你明顯沒有在創造價值,那就立刻離開會議或掛斷電話。 離開並不粗魯,讓別人待在那裡浪費時間才是粗魯的。 大家學到了嗎,關於退出會議和掛斷電話的英文,標題和正文用了兩種不同的說法: 離開會議:Leave a meeting和Walk out of a meeting都可以的.