雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 保誠 優勢. 保誠整體成功賠付百分比. 達96%! 想知更多? 立即瀏覽2023年個人壽險理賠報告. 企業獎項. 保誠獲業界不同機構頒發多個獎項,彰顯公司在提供卓越理財計劃、產品設計等多方面非凡成就. 了解保誠分紅計劃表現. 透過長線實際平均總內部回報率等資訊,了解各分紅計劃的表現. 用行動 同愛同伴. 保誠守護每份愛,積極擴闊人壽保險產品受益人範圍,支持現代多元家庭關係. 了解更多. 您的目標 實現目標. 讓我們提供合適方案助您邁進人生目標。 為摯愛提供財政保障,助家人面對不幸事情. 減輕傷病醫療開支帶來的財務負擔. 儲蓄並實現我的人生目標. 以上推廣優惠受條款及細則約束。 保安提示: 保誠呼籲大眾提高警覺,留意欺詐網站、社交平台、未經授權保險銷售平台及虛假來電。

  2. Prudential plc在亞洲及非洲24個市場提供人壽及健康保險以及資產管理產品。保誠透過讓健康保障更實惠便捷,以及促進金融普惠,幫助人們活出豐盛人生。保誠守護財富並為資產增值,推動人們積極儲備以實現目標。

  3. Prudential Hong Kong Limited provides a wide range of insurance plans for personal and business. We cover life, health, savings, investment and more.

  4. www.prudential.com.hk › scws › memberLogin | Prudential HK

    Prudential Hong Kong Limited is a Hong Kong insurance company that offers a broad range of financial protection, health protection and retirement planning products.

  5. Welcome offer: HK$500 premium refund - Sign up now. Provide your family with financial security and keep your promises to them, no matter what happens. Learn more about Prudential life insurance plans.

  6. Prudential has been serving the people of Hong Kong since 1964. Through Prudential Hong Kong Limited and Prudential General Insurance Hong Kong Limited, we provide a range of financial planning services and products including individual life insurance, investment-linked insurance, retirement solutions, health and medical protection, general ...

  7. Welcome offer: HK$500 premium refund - Sign up now. Achieve your life goals by saving smarter. Discover how Prudential savings insurance plans can help you to live the life you desire.

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