雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 卓顔面膜採用獨特黑珍珠蛋白® (*1) 配方融合了高級珠寶公司獨特視角與MIKIMOTO COSMETICS專業技術的結晶。. 讓您的肌膚有如寶石般光彩耀人 (*2) 。. 從1893年成功創造出世上第一顆養殖珍珠開始,對完美追求的堅持已經讓MIKIMOTO成為頂級珍珠的代名詞。. MIKIMOTO ...

  2. MIKIMOTO is Japan's representative jeweler. In 1893, the founder, Kokichi Mikimoto, was the first in the world to successfully culture a pearl. Inheriting the founder’s vision of “adorning all women in the world with pearls,” Mikimoto has been dedicated to the cultivation of beauty for more than a century.

  3. MIKIMOTO is Japan's representative jeweler. In 1893, the founder, Kokichi Mikimoto, was the first in the world to successfully culture a pearl. Inheriting the founder’s vision of “adorning all women in the world with pearls,” Mikimoto has been dedicated to the cultivation of beauty for more than a century.

  4. www.mikimoto.com.hk › hk_tc › jewellery珠寶 - MIKIMOTO

    Add 戒指 to Wish List. 戒指. DGR01512I. Add 手鏈 to Wish List. Sweet Collection. 手鏈. HD00043K. Add 耳環 to Wish List. Sweet Collection.

  5. Mikimoto is one of a few leading jewellery brands in the world with an integrated system for design, production, sales, and after service. We pride ourselves in our commitment to bringing the finest pearls to our customers.

  6. 查看详情. MIKIMOTO是日本知名度最高的国际珠宝商。. 1893年,创始人御木本幸吉成功开创珍珠养殖的先河。. 自那以来,MIKIMOTO时刻秉承御木本先生“用珍珠将所有女人的颈部装点得更迷人”的美好心愿,走过一个多世纪的沧桑岁月,不懈追求美的真谛。.

  7. www.mikimoto.com.hk › hk_tc › storelocator精品店查詢 | MIKIMOTO

    利園店. 銅鑼灣恩平道28號利園二期G05號店. 電話 : +852 2506 1183. 精品店詳情 預約會面.

  8. 查看詳情. 從1893年成功創造出世上第一顆養殖珍珠開始,對完美追求的堅持已經讓MIKIMOTO成為頂級珍珠的代名詞。. MIKIMOTO每一顆完美無瑕的珍珠,都訴說著過去一百多年來MIKIMOTO對品質的堅持,讓每一顆珍珠的光芒,映照著喜愛珍珠的人們的臉龐,這就是御木本 ...

  9. www.mikimoto.com.hk › hk_tc › jewellery項鏈 | MIKIMOTO

    MIKIMOTO Comme des Garçons 項鏈 WG01622ZT Add 項鏈 to Wish List Remove Item 項鏈 from wishlist 查看詳情 38 正在顯示 gotofirstpage 您當前正在閱讀頁 1 頁面 2 頁面 下一個 gotolastpage 排序方式 篩選條件 珍珠類型 日本Akoya珍珠 33 ...

  10. www.mikimoto.com.hk › hk_en › jewellery-allJewellery | MIKIMOTO

    Our rings will give you great pleasure every time you look down at your hand. Wear a beautiful world at your fingertips. Our bracelets will enhance the grace of your movement, bringing a little sparkle to your wrist. Adored and adorned all over the world, Mikimoto's pearl necklaces have the sort of beauty that takes your breath away.

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