雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 约翰·迪金森 (英語: John Dickinson ,1732年11月2日—1808年2月14日),是一名 美利坚合众国宪法签署人 ,政治家。 1767年至1768年期间,他撰写了十二封《 宾夕法尼亚农民的来信 》,而被称之为“革命的笔者”。 作为第一次大陆会议的成员,他起草了1774年《 致国王的请愿书 (英语:Petition to the King) 》;在第二次大陆会议上,起草了1775年《 橄榄枝请愿书 》,试图与英国国王斡旋。 当这些努力失败后,他与 托马斯·杰斐逊 合作撰写最终版本、1775年《 关于拿起武器的原因和必要的宣言 (英语:Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms) 》。

  2. 维基百科自由的百科全书. 约翰·迪金森 (1732年11月—1808年2月14日),是一名 美利坚合众国宪法签署人 ,政治家。 1767年至1768年期间,他撰写了十二封《 宾夕法尼亚农民的来信 》,而被称之为“革命的笔者”。 作为第一次大陆会议的成员,他起草了1774年《 致国王的请愿书 (英语:Petition to the King) 》;在第二次大陆会议上,起草了1775年《 橄榄枝请愿书 》,试图与英国国王斡旋。 当这些努力失败后,他与 托马斯·杰斐逊 合作撰写最终版本、1775年《 关于拿起武器的原因和必要的宣言 (英语:Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms) 》。

  3. 約翰·狄金森 (英語: John Dickinson ,1732年11月2日—1808年2月14日),是一名 美利堅合眾國憲法簽署人 ,政治家。 1767年至1768年期間,他撰寫了十二封《 賓夕法尼亞農民的來信 》,而被稱之為「革命的筆者」。 作為第一次大陸會議的成員,他起草了1774年《 致國王的請願書 (英語:Petition to the King) 》;在第二次大陸會議上,起草了1775年《 橄欖枝請願書 》,試圖與英國國王斡旋。 當這些努力失敗後,他與 托馬斯·傑斐遜 合作撰寫最終版本、1775年《 關於拿起武器的原因和必要的宣言 (英語:Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms) 》。

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    Dickinson was born at Alabama, his family's tobacco plantation near the village of Trappe in Talbot County, Province of Maryland. He was the great-grandson of Walter Dickinson who came from England as an indentured servant to the Colony of Virginia in 1654 and, having joined the Society of Friends, came with several co-religionists to Talbot County...

    Dickinson was educated at home by his parents and by recent immigrants employed for that purpose. Among them was the Presbyterian minister Francis Alison, who later established New London Academy in Chester County, Pennsylvania. Most important was his tutor, William Killen, who became a lifelong friend and who later became Delaware's first chief ju...

    Continental Congress

    Dickinson was one of the delegates from the Province of Pennsylvania to the First Continental Congress in 1774 and the Second Continental Congress in 1775 and 1776. In support of the cause, he continued to contribute declarations in the name of the Congress. Dickinson wrote the Olive Branch Petition as the Second Continental Congress' last attempt for peace with King George III, who did not even read the petition. But through it all, agreeing with George Read and many others in Philadelphia a...

    Return to Poplar Hall

    Dickinson resigned his commission in December 1776 and went to stay at Poplar Hall in Kent County. While there, Dickinson learned that his home on Chestnut Street in Philadelphia had been confiscated and converted into a hospital. He stayed at Poplar Hall for more than two years. The Delaware General Assembly tried to appoint him as their delegate to the Second Continental Congress in 1777, but he refused. In August 1777, he served as a private with the Kent County militia at Middletown, Dela...

    President of Delaware

    On January 18, 1779, Dickinson was appointed to be a delegate for Delaware to the Second Continental Congress, which was convening at what today is Independence Hall in Philadelphia. During this term, he signed the Articles of Confederation, which he authored while serving in the First Continental Congress as a delegate from Province of Pennsylvania. In August 1781, while still a delegate in Philadelphia, he learned that Poplar Hall had been severely damaged by a Loyalist raid. Dickinson retu...

    Dickinson died at Wilmington, Delaware, and was buried in Friends Burial Ground in Wilmington.Shortly before his death he unconditionally freed all of his slaves. While he had been economically reliant on them, he also wanted slavery to end. By freeing all of his slaves upon his death, he thought this would contribute to the United States having a ...

    Dickinson was a self-taught scholar of history, and spent most of his time in historical research. As an intellectual, he thought that men should think for themselves,: 271 and his deepening studies led him to refuse to sign the Declaration of Independence, which was subsequently unanimously adopted by the remaining delegates to the Second Continen...

    Delaware elections were held October 1 and members of the General Assembly took office on October 20 or the following weekday. The State Legislative Council was created in 1776, and its legislative councilmen seved a three-year term. Beginning in 1792, it was renamed the State Senate. State Assemblymen had a one-year term. The whole General Assembl...

    Calvert, Jane E. (July 2007). "Liberty Without Tumult: Understanding the Politics of John Dickinson". The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. CXXXI (3). Philadelphia: Historical Society...
    —— (2008). Quaker Constitutionalism and the Political Thought of John Dickinson. Cambridge, England, and New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521884365.
    Conrad, Henry C. (1908). History of the State of Delaware. Lancaster, Pennsylvania: Wickersham Company.
    Flower, Milton E. (1983). John Dickinson – Conservative Revolutionary. Charlottesville, Virginia: University Press of Virginia. ISBN 0-8139-0966-X.
  4. 維基百科,自由的 encyclopedia. 约翰·迪金森 (英語: John Dickinson ,1732年11月2日—1808年2月14日),是一名 美利坚合众国宪法签署人 ,政治家。 1767年至1768年期间,他撰写了十二封《 宾夕法尼亚农民的来信 》,而被称之为“革命的笔者”。 作为第一次大陆会议的成员,他起草了1774年《 致国王的请愿书(英语:Petition to the King) 》;在第二次大陆会议上,起草了1775年《 橄榄枝请愿书 》,试图与英国国王斡旋。

  5. 约翰·狄金森发明者约翰·迪金森 ( John Dickinson, 1782 年 3 月 29 日 - 1869 年 1 月 11 日)发明了连续机械化 造纸 工艺。 他于 1809 年成立了英国 纸张 和 文具 生产商 Longman & Dickinson,后来演变为 John Dickinson Stationery Limited 。 迪金森是队长托马斯·狄金森的长子 RN 和他的妻子弗朗西丝诞生日Brissac。 托马斯·迪金森是的管理者 军械交通服务 在 伍尔维奇 和弗朗西斯·迪金森是法国丝绸织工的女儿 的Spitalfields 。 [1] 十五岁那年,狄金森在伦敦与哈里森先生和理查森先生一起开始了为期七年的文具师学徒生涯。

  6. 她是美国最多产和最著名的女诗人。 更生出生于 马萨诸塞州 安默斯特颇具影响力的一个显赫家族,性格内向,不爱露面。 年轻时,她曾在 安默斯特学院 学习了七年,此后,又在 曼荷莲女子神学院 度过了一段短暂的时光,最终返回到位于安默斯特的家中。 当地人认为她似乎格格不入。 大家都知道她偏爱白色衣着,不愿见客,晚年时甚至不愿迈出自己房间一步。 因此她与大多数朋友的友情都靠通信维系。 作为一位高产却孤僻的诗人,更生的1800多首诗歌作品仅有十几首在她在世时得到出版。 [1] 这些在她生前出版的作品常常会被出版商大肆修改,以符合当时传统的诗歌规则。 在更生所处的时代里,她的诗歌是独特的。 她的诗歌包含短句,略去标题,韵脚不齐,并且还有反常规的大写字母和标点符号。