雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 其他人也問了

  2. Charitable Donations and Tax-Exempt Charities. Approved Charitable Donations and List of Tax-Exempt Charities. Tax Guide for Charitable Institutions and Trusts of a Public Character. Procedures on Application for Recognition of Tax Exemption Status under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.

  3. 認可慈善捐款是指捐贈給根據税務條例第88條獲豁免繳税的屬公共性質的慈善機構或慈善信託作慈善用途的款項或指捐贈給政府作慈善用途的款項。 (《税務條例》第2條) 市民可參閱 根據《稅務條例》第 88 條獲豁免繳稅的慈善機構及慈善信託的名單 ,以查看他們的捐款能否在報稅時申請扣除。 返回頁首. 屬公共性質的慈善機構及信託團體的税務指南. 屬公共性質的慈善機構及信託團體可根據《稅務條例》第 88 條獲豁免繳稅。 本局已印發 「屬公共性質的慈善機構及信託團體的稅務指南」 以供市民參考。 返回頁首. 申請確認《税務條例》第88條賦予的豁免繳税地位的程序. 慈善團體必須通過一份規管文書而成立。

  4. 稅務易 登入/註冊. 主頁 > 稅務資料 - 其他 > 慈善捐款及獲豁免繳稅的慈善團體. 慈善捐款及獲豁免繳稅的慈善團體. 市民可循以下途徑,查看他們的捐款能否在報稅時申請扣除。 搜尋 根據《稅務條例》第 88 條獲豁免繳稅的慈善機構及慈善信託;或. 瀏覽 根據《稅務條例》第 88 條獲豁免繳稅的慈善機構及慈善信託的名單. (如想開啟PDF檔案,請到 Adobe Systems Incorporated 下載及安裝 Adobe Acrobat Reader 。 返回頁首. 2017 ©| 重要告示 | 私隱政策. 覆檢日期: 2021年10月29日.

    • Who Can Claim
    • What You Can Claim
    • How Much You Can Claim
    • Splitting Donations with Your Spouse Or Partner

    You can claim donation tax credits if all of the following situations apply to you. 1. You're claiming as an individual and not on behalf of a trust, partnership or company. 2. You earned taxable incomeduring the tax year in which you're claiming a donation. 3. You were a New Zealand tax residentat any time during the tax year, 1 April to 31 March.

    You can claim tax credits for donations of $5 or more when the donation: 1. was to an approved charity or organisation 2. did not provide any direct benefit to you or your family 3. was not given, bequeathed, done or appointed by will or made by way of a full or partial debt forgiveness. Approved donee organisations

    The total you can claim in a tax year is the lesser of: 1. 33.33% of your total donations 2. 33.33% of your taxable income. If your total donations were more than your taxable income, you can split your donations with your spouse or partner. You would claim up to your amount of taxable income and your spouse or partner would claim the rest, up to t...

    When you submit your donation receipt in myIR, let us know how much of it you want to give to your spouse or partner. We'll make sure your spouse or partner gets this amount. They do not need to submit the receipt themselves. You can do this even if the receipt is in your name only.

  5. Approved Charitable Donations. Donations to tax-exempt charities or to Government for charitable purposes can be deducted from your net assessable income under salaries tax, assessable profits under profits tax and total income under personal assessment. Here you can learn more about these deductions. Eligibility for Deduction.

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