雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年2月16日 · 现在在香港和新加坡是法定翻译,政府和工商界都是用chop这个词,比如港交所的一份文件:chop,大部分结果都是和中国或者东南亚相关,这个这个表达是非常地方特色的。 当然,既然中国和东南亚地区规定用chop这个词表示签章,老外也得按照我们的规定来。 最后一步是给合同盖上公章。 关于「盖章」这个词的翻译,不但困扰普通英语使用者,就连很多专业翻译员也很困惑,字典里有chop, seal, stamp 三个词,看释义意思都一样,都是「印章」「盖章」的意思,虽然最终几经斟酌选用了一个认为最适合的,但是心里也是很没谱的。 但似乎看国外的英语文章,这三个词都有用,也看不出什么规律和区别,这就让人更加困惑了。 其实造成这个困惑的原因主要有几点。

  2. 2014年6月9日 · 詞彙不足外,Wennita指他們亦未有糾正「壞英文」,如稱公司蓋章為「company chop」,而不是「company stamp」。 她解釋,chop本身解作砍或排骨,「外國人見到company chop,會以為說的是『公司豬扒』!

  3. 2020年7月17日 · In China, company chops are mandatory for doing business, and replace signatures as used in Western countries. China Briefing explains the different types of company chops in China and the need for strong internal controls to ensure they do not get misused.

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  5. 什麼是公司印章(Company Chop)? 一般而言公司印章就是公司的橡皮圖章。 “印章 (Chop)” 一詞來自當年的英殖民地印度,在好幾個轄區專用,包括香港。 香港公司印章的用途. 香港公司印章就像您公司的簽名,因此公司印章並非是必要的物價。 您可以使用香港公司印章或以簽名代替,兩者的用途相同。 印章在中國大陸比較重要。 在中國大陸的公司的印章要向政府註冊。 如果您的香港公司與中國有很多業務往來,那麼您將需要香港公司印章來辦理手續。 儘管不是必須品,但這並代表香港公司印章不需要存在。 印章可作為建立法定關係的證明。 在確認您公司的合同能力和接受合同條款方面,印章也可以發揮重要作用。 什麼是香港公司蓋章(Company Seal)?

    • What Is A Company Chop?
    • The Purpose of A Company Chop
    • Common Seal
    • Do You Need A Company Chop?
    • Types of Company Chops in China
    • How to Get A Company Chop?
    • How HKWJ Can Help

    A company chop is a company’s rubber stamp. In Hong Kong, they normally include the company name in English and/or Chinese and are stamped in blue or red ink. This stamp is used to conduct legal business and validate official documents, such as contracts, certificates, deeds, and so on. In essence, it works like a signature. Though it’s not mandato...

    As briefly mentioned before, a company chop is used by companies to conduct legal business. It is used to authenticate and validate official company documents, letters, deeds, certificates and records. In Hong Kong, a company chop operates as a signature most of the time. As the purpose of the chop and signature are similar, a company chop is not a...

    Besides a company chop, there is also the common seal, also named company seal. It is a metallic seal, engraved with the company’s name. A common seal is used to stamp important company documents to signify that the documents are certified by the company’s board of directors/sole director or decision-makers. Amongst others, it is stamped on share c...

    Most countries worldwide do not require a chop. In Hong Kong, a chop is often not required, as in most cases you can just use your signature. However, in mainland China company chops have more significance and official value. This is because company chops in China are registered with the government. If you are a Hong Kong-based company doing busine...

    There are multiple types of chops in China, besides the official company chop. Each has a different function and is used on different types of documentation. We touch upon a few of the company chop types in China and their use. The official company chop is required when any important document is signed and has the widest scope of use among all stam...

    In Hong Kong, it is straightforward to get a company chop. There are several providers who can create custom company chops for businesses. You can design your own chop and provide the necessary information – the creation process usually takes a few days. For mainland China company chops, you need to partner with a corporate expert to obtain the rig...

    As part of our company incorporation services, we can help you get your company chops in both Hong Kong and China as well as offshore incorporations. HKWJ Group can assist you in registering a business in Hong Kong and/or China. We guide you through each of the required steps and provide you with a stress-free setting up process of your business. E...

  6. 2022年3月21日 · 公司的橡膠印章或公司印章(company chop一詞源於殖民地時期的印度英文)使用藍或紅色墨水,並有兩種形狀:長方形和圓形。 公司印章屬長方形款. 長方形印章也被稱為簽字章,刻有英文 「For and on behalf of,(公司名稱)」字樣、簽名虛線及英文 「Authorized Signature」字樣。 公司印章屬圓形款. 圓形印章是最常見的形狀,通常在中心有公司的中文名稱或標誌,周圍是公司的英文名稱,並含註冊號碼。 如果你的香港公司經常與中國內地的公司有聯繫,為手續起見,最好為你的公司製作公司印章,因為印章在內地較為重要。 伸延閱讀: 香港商標註冊指南. 公司印章和法團印章有何區別? 在香港註冊公司中,公司印章和法團印章是兩種不同的印章,各自具有不同的用途和法律地位。

  7. If your Hong Kong company does a lot of business with China, then you’ll need a Hong Kong company chop for formality. While not a necessity, that doesn’t mean these Hong Kong company chops are completely unnecessary. Chops can be useful as proof of intention for legal relations.

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