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  1. 保障詳情. 過往及現時提款安排. 個人資料. 故此,您無須等待下張結單便能查閱您的保單進度,彈指之間就能掌握所有資料。 登入 Zurich International Online. 下載指引. ZIO註冊及登入指引. 我正在尋找…… 保單服務. 投資選擇變動. 重要資訊. 服務水平. 「補充資料 – 蘇黎世國際人壽保險有限公司之個人資料保障聲明」

    • 登入

      「智Smart」全新體驗,讓您處理人壽保單業務得心應手。 理 ...

  2. Zurich International online Login 1 2 Username Password Remember my username No account? Register now Personal policy holder registration Authorised Intermediary registration Advisers, please contact your ZIO administrator Corporate scheme members ...

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. ZIO 網上服務平台(簡稱「ZIO」)讓您快捷方便地於網上瀏覽最新的保單資料。 When you log into ZIO, you can access your policy information, including: 當您登入ZIO,您可以獲取您的保單資料, 包括: • Investments. • Policy overview & benefits. • Payments. • My profle. This means you will not have to wait until your next statement to see your policy status.

  5. Zurich International online (ZIO) is the main tool that you will use to administer your plan and that members will use to manage their individual Retirement Accounts. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS ZIO. Watch our helpful ZIO administrator video here. Navigate directly to a topic when you need a reminder of how it works.