雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年5月5日 · 與蓋茲夫婦交集頗深的基金會中文翻譯王喆(Zhe "Shelly" Wang)被傳與比爾蓋茲有「不尋常關係」,不過她本人稍早在微博親自闢謠,「是單身女青年 ...

    • She's Worked as An Interpreter For Nearly Nine Years
    • She Previously Owned A Restaurant
    • She Attended Brigham Young University
    • She's Multi-Lingual
    • She Has An Artsy Side

    According to her LinkedIn profile, Wang first became an interpreter for the Monterey Institute of International Studies in Sept. 2012. Through her position, she worked on several TED Conferences events, which could have opened the door for her next position with TED itself. She joined TED Conferences as an interpreter in April 2013, and she oversaw...

    On LinkedIn, her first listed position is the Owner of Four Seasons Hot Pot & Dumplings from 2006-2008. The restaurant is located in Provo, Utah. She wrote online that she was responsible for the "external networking" for the company, "conducting market research and analysis and "developing and managing [the] company website."

    The interpreter received her Bachelor of Science degree in Business/Managerial Economics from Brigham Young University in 2007. From 2011-2013, she studied Conference Interpretation at the Monterey Institue of International Studies, according to LinkedIn. BILL AND MELINDA GATES ANNOUNCE END OF 27-YEAR MARRIAGE

    As one might expect from an interpreter, Wang can speak at least six languages. On LinkedIn, she's received multiple endorsements for Chinese, Spanish, French, German and Japanese, as well as a single endorsement for Mandarin. She lists herself as having "native or bilingual proficiency" in Cantonese, Mandarin and English. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE O...

    It seems that Wang isn't just business-minded, as she has also been peer-endorsed for teaching piano and choreographing Chinese dance.

  2. 2021年5月6日 · 微軟共同創辦人比爾·蓋茲(Bill Gates)4日推文宣布與妻子梅琳達離異,曾和蓋茲夫婦有交集的翻譯王喆(Zhe "Shelly" Wang)突然成為外界關注焦點;對於被 ...

  3. 2021年5月5日 · 《福斯商業新聞》 (Fox Business)報導,雖然不知道明確原因,但王喆的名字「Zhe "Shelly" Wang」最近突然引起公眾關注,且在搜尋引擎中,和比爾蓋茲名字緊密相關。 有些猜測認為,王喆和蓋茲夫婦中的1個人的關係不太尋常,不像一般的工作關係,還有推特用戶暗示,這個人可能就是比爾蓋茲。 報導也簡單介紹了王喆背景,王喆擔任口譯員工作將近9年時間,2012年9月首次擔任為蒙特雷國際問題研究所(Monterey Institute of International Studies)的口譯員,隔年加入TED,她領導團隊把活動翻譯成中文、法語、德語、日語、韓語、俄語和西班牙語,目前王喆除了有蓋茲基金會的翻譯工作外,也擔任耶魯大學管理學院和哈佛商學院的同步口譯。

  4. 2021年5月5日 · 隨著離婚消息曝光,擔任夫妻倆慈善基金會(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)的中國女翻譯王喆(Zhe 'Shelly' Wang)也遭點名是「小三上位」,甚至引來外媒報導。對此,王喆5日在微博澄清,

  5. 2021年5月5日 · 根據《福斯商業新聞》(Fox Business)報導,因為名字和比爾蓋茲緊密相關,近期美女翻譯王喆 (Zhe-Shelly-Wang)更是意外引起關注,這個名字甚至意外登上熱搜,而時間點在比爾蓋茲與妻子聯合發布離婚消息後,巧合地讓網友引發聯想。 而王喆的身分也大有來頭,因為有著良好的外語能力,擔任口譯員的時間長達9年。 2012年9月,王喆第一次成為蒙特雷國際問題研究所(Monterey...

  6. 2021年5月11日 · Zhe Shelly Wang, 36, is associated with the Gates Foundation, world’s largest private charitable trust since 2015, 15 years after its inception in the year 2000. She has been in the limelight after netizens started conjecturing reasons for the high-profile couple's divorce. Wang was reportedly born in Guangzhou and later moved to the United States.