雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 曾蔭權爵士 [註 1],大紫荊勳賢,KBE (英語: Sir Donald Tsang Yam-kuen,1944年10月7日 — ),籍貫 廣東 南海,前香港特別行政區第2及第3任行政長官至2012年止 [註 2]。 曾蔭權在1966年加入香港政府,成為二級行政主任,其後曾於不同部門任職。

  2. 2005年3月2日 · 曾荫权. 曾荫权 爵士 [注 1], 大紫荆勋贤, KBE (英语: Sir Donald Tsang Yam-kuen,1944年10月7日 —), 籍贯 广东 南海,前 香港特别行政区 第2及第3任 行政长官 至2012年止 [注 2]。. 曾荫权在1966年加入 香港政府,成为 二级行政主任,其后曾于不同部门任职。. 1995年 ...

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 2019年6月26日 · 曾蔭權經歷歷時逾7年的刑事調查,今日(26日)終獲終審法院一致裁定上訴得直,還他一個清白。 正與家人身處外地的曾蔭權,聞判後發表聲明剖白,指訴訟幾近耗盡他們夫婦倆的畢身積蓄,他坦言,曾就是否上訴至終院而

  5. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Donald_TsangDonald Tsang - Wikipedia

    • Early Life and Government Career
    • Financial Secretary
    • Chief Secretary
    • Chief Executive Bid
    • Chief Executive
    • Conviction, Imprisonment, and Acquittal
    • Personal Life
    • See Also
    • External Links

    Tsang was born in Hong Kong on 7 October 1944 to a Hong Kong police officer. His family ancestry is from Guangdong Foshan. He spent his childhood living in the Hollywood Road Police Married Quarters in Central, Hong Kong. After completing his secondary education at Wah Yan College, Hong Kong, a Jesuit school in Hong Kong, he worked briefly as a sal...

    In September 1995, Tsang was appointed Financial Secretary, becoming the first Chinese to hold the position in 150 years of colonial history. He went on to become the first Financial Secretary in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on 1 July 1997. Shortly before the handover, he was knighted by Prince Charles at the Government Housein June ...

    In 2001, Tsang succeeded Anson Chan who retired citing personal reasons to be the Chief Secretary for Administration, the second-ranking position in the government. It was widely believed that Chan resigned from the government in protest against Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa's introduction of the Principal Officials Accountability System, which mad...

    On 11 March 2005, incumbent Tung Chee-hwa announced his resignation, citing poor health. Tung's resignation was approved by the central government the next day and Tsang took over becoming the acting Chief Executive. After Tung's resignation, Tsang was tipped as Beijing's favoured next Chief Executive. On the afternoon of 25 May 2005, Tsang resigne...

    2007 re-election

    Tsang announced he would seek for the second term on 1 February 2007 with the campaign slogan "I'll get the job done". He submitted his nomination on 16 February, with 641 of the 796 Election Committee members nominated him which guaranteed his electoral victory before the polling day. He faced challenge from the pan-democrats who backed Civic Party legislator Alan Leongto run against him. Tsang was elected by the 796-member Election Committee on 25 March 2007 with 649 votes, compared to Leon...

    On 5 October 2015, Tsang was charged with two counts of misconduct in public office after failing to disclose plans to rent a luxury penthouse for his retirement from Bill Wong Cho-bau applying for a broadcasting licence for the Digital Broadcasting Corporation (then Wave Media) by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), as well as fa...

    Tsang is the eldest of the five sons and one daughter. His younger brother Tsang Yam-pui, retired as the Police Commissioner in December 2003, after a career with the police in which he worked his way up to the top job from the rank of Probationary Inspector. His younger sister Katherine Tsang is chairperson of Standard Chartered Hong Kong.He marri...

  6. 2019年6月26日 · 現年74歲的曾蔭權於2012年行將卸任之際,被媒體揭發以低廉價格租用廣東深圳一大型住宅單元,但並未向行政會議申報其業主黃楚標正向港府申請香港數碼廣播執照。 曾蔭權被香港廉政公署起訴,其一直否認控罪,2017年被裁定其中一項「公職人員行為失當罪」有罪,經上訴二審判囚12個月,2019年初刑滿出獄。 終審法院合議庭五名法官星期三(6月26日)一致裁定其三審勝訴。...

  7. 2015年10月5日 · 曾蔭權是土生土長的香港人,生於1944年10月7日。 父親曾雲是警務人員,服務警隊30年。 籍貫是廣東省南海縣九江鎮。 家中成員一共八人,弟弟曾蔭培2001至2003年為香港警務處處長,已退休,目前擔任新創建集團有限公司行政總裁。 曾蔭權是典型的政府技術官僚,1964年在香港華仁書院預科畢業,曾任職輝瑞藥廠當推銷員。 1967年加入港英政府任二級行政官(Executive...

  8. 曾蔭權GBMKBE (粵拼: zang1 jam3 kyun4, 1944年 10月7號 —),花名「煲呔曾」、「貪曾」、「649」,係第二任 香港特別行政區行政長官,亦做過 財政司 同 政務司司長。.