雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 北美地区电话号码计划 (英語: North Amreican Numbering Plan ,縮寫 NANP )是 世界区域1 的 电话编号计划 ,该地区包括主要位于 北美洲 的20个国家的25个不同区域,包括 加勒比地区 。 一些北美洲国家,主要是 墨西哥 ,不在本计划的覆盖区域中。 NANP最初是在20世纪40年代由 AT&T公司 为 贝尔系统 和北美的独立电话运营商设计的,目的是统一过去几十年建立的各种本地编号计划。 直到贝尔系统解体前,AT&T都持续负责管理此电话号码计划。 之后管理权被委托给北美地区电话号码计划管理员(NANPA),这是美国 联邦通信委员会 (FCC)从私营部门采购的一项服务。 每个参与国都有各自的监管机构,对本地号码资源拥有全权控制权。

  2. This is a list of North American telephone area codes in effect for the North American Numbering Plan (NANP). The area to which an area code is officially assigned is known as a Numbering Plan Area (NPA). An area code is part of a telephone number in the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean. It is the part of the telephone number after the ...

  3. The expansion of the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) is the anticipated requirement for providing more telephone numbers to accommodate future needs beyond the pool of ten-digit telephone numbers.

  4. National telephone numbers are defined by national or regional numbering plans, such as the European Telephony Numbering Space, the North American Numbering Plan (NANP), or the UK number plan. Within a national numbering plan, a complete destination telephone number is typically composed of an area code and a subscriber telephone number.

  5. 北美電話編號方案 ( 英文 : North American Numbering Plan ,簡稱 NANP )係 北美 二十幾個國家通用嘅一種 電話號碼 格式, 1947年 由 AT&T 發明,成區嘅 國際電話區號 都係 「1」 [1] ,目前由北美電話編號方案管理局( North American Numbering Plan Administrator )管理。 普通電話號碼. 用 爾 ji1 種格式嘅普通電話號碼原則上係3個數字嘅 地區字頭 加7個數字嘅本地電話號碼,但係因為電話號碼嘅需求過大,好多地方已經放棄咗分地區字頭同本地號碼,而係用一種10個數字嘅電話號碼。 易記碼.

  6. The North American Numbering Plan ( NANP) is a telephone numbering plan. It includes 24 countries and territories, including the United States, Canada, Bermuda, and 17 nations of the Caribbean. [1] [2] There are three-digit area codes and seven-digit telephone numbers. Related pages. List of North American Numbering Plan area codes. References.

  7. The original configuration of the North American Numbering Plan assigned eighty-six area codes in October 1947, one each to every numbering plan area. The territories of the United States , which included Alaska , and Hawaii, did not receive area codes at first, nor did the territories of Canada or Newfoundland and Labrador, which ...