雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 邦民日本財務私人貸款計算機,以實際年利率計算每月利息還款額作為參考,更讓你自設貸款金額及還款年期,並以利息計算器估計私人貸款每月還款利息,立即了解更多。

  2. 邦民不止由 日本金融集團創立 且公司規模大,信譽良好之餘,在私人貸款市場亦有超過30年經驗,而且邦民為借款人提供方便稱心的貸款服務,全程無需現身 * ,申請時免卻繁複文件 # ,讓您輕鬆貸款! 同時,您也可以使用邦民網上的 私人貸款及利息計算機 作借貸預算參考。 需要資金周轉的您還在猶豫甚麼? 邦民是您信心保證之選!

  3. Our Company has recently received reports from our customers concerning fraudulent impersonation of our staff or representatives, demanding repayment of loan. Please click here to know the details. FAQ. Revolving Loan. FAQ - Revolving Loan. Do I need to apply again for a re-finance after full repayment of the previous loan?

    • Repayment Period
    • Interest Rate
    • Fee
    • Application Documents
    • Reward Program

    The length of your repayment period will affect your monthly payment. A longer repayment period means a lower monthly repayment amount, with less repayment pressure. However, it also means a higher total interest. Therefore, when applying for a loan you should evaluate your financial status and repayment ability in order to choose a suitable repaym...

    When borrowing money, it's better to choose a loan product with lower interest rate because a higher interest rate will increase the total cost of a loan. Before borrowing money, you should learn about different methods of interest calculation such as monthly flat-rate, day rate, etc. When you compare different loan products, you should also take t...

    Some financial institutions charge handling fees and administration fees when granting loans. When comparing loan products, you need to check if there are any hidden costs or interests which will eventually increase your loan cost. Promise has no hidden costs or handling fees attached to their product, so our clients will receive their loan in full...

    It is common that loan application requires documents including HKID card, proof of address, proof of income, etc. Some people may not be able to provide the required documents, which results in being rejected for a loan. Certain financial institutions have launched solutions that require no supporting documents to simplify the approval process and...

    To attract customers, financial institutions often offer promotions or rewards, mostly in the form of cash rewards, supermarket coupons, etc., which are typically on a "borrow more, earn more" basis. At Promise, we offer different promotions to both new customers and existing members. Customers who apply and withdraw loans successfully can enjoy re...

  4. 選擇能提供靈活還款期的貸款產品,會有助你節省利息支出及縮短還款年期。 2. 貸款利息. 若要借錢,當然利率愈低愈好,高利率會增加貸款成本。 所以借錢前要清楚了解,利率的計算方法,包括月平息﹑日息等等。 考慮各款產品時,也要比較各產品的實際年利率。 邦民私人貸款是以日息計算,而且息隨本減,較一般的「月息計算」更划算。 邦民貸款產品的實際年利率更低至1.12%,您更可以利用 貸款計算機 ,計算出還款金額及期限作參考,全面評估借錢成本。 3. 費用. 坊間有些財務機構批出貸款時會收取手續費及行政費用。 所以比較各貸款產品借錢時,您亦需要確定貸款是否有其他額外隱藏成本,或者潛在借貸利息收費,從而令你的貸款成本增加。 邦民絕無其他隱藏收費,豁免任何貸款手續費,讓客戶可取得全數貸款。

  5. 8大最常見的大額借貸原因. 隨著現時更多「網上即批貸款」、「免入息審查貸款」、「快捷小額貸款」推出,很多人對申請貸款或借錢已經比以往更開明,尤其是在突然需要大量現金或進行大額購買時,都會選擇申請大額私人貸款以減緩財政壓力。. 其實只要 ...

  6. 常見問題 - 登入「簽署貸款合約專區」. 使用「簽署貸款合約專區」上載文件需符合什麼要求?. 若我用相機或手機拍攝文件並以圖像檔案上載,那麼在操作時有什麼需要留意呢?. 若我不提供手提電話號碼,可否登入「簽署貸款合約專區」?. 為什麼使用「雙重 ...