雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 全球發售項下的發售股份數目:125,000,000股股份香港發售股份數目:37,500,000股股份國際配售股份數目:87,500,000股股份發售價:每股發售股份1.80 港元,另加1%經紀佣金、0.0027%證監會交易徵費、0.00015% 會財局交易徵費及0.00565%聯交所交易費面值:每股股份0.0001港元股份代號:2483. 聯席保薦人. PING AN OF CHINA CAPITAL (HONG KONG) 整體協調人、聯席全球協調人、聯席賬簿管理人及聯席牽頭經辦人. PA SECURITIES (HK) 聯席賬簿管理人及聯席牽頭經辦人. 聯席牽頭經辦人. @:9) Зࡋ⳪暲.

  2. 二零二三年十一月二十七日 重要提示 重要提示:如 閣下對本招股章程的任何內容有任何疑問, 閣下應尋求獨立專業意見。K Cash Corporation Limited K Cash集團有限公司 (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) 全球發售 全球發售項下的發售股份數目 :125,000,000股股份(視乎超額配股權獲行使與

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    kcash.hk ... ...

  4. – 4 – 閣下透過網上白表服務或透過香港結算EIPO渠道的申請必須認購最少2,000股 香港發售股份並按照表內所列確定認購數目。倘 閣下通過網上白表服務提出 申請, 閣下可參照下表,了解就所選定股份數目應付的金額。 閣下於申請 認購香港發售股份時須全數支付該申請的相應最高應付金額。

  5. – 2 – K Cash Corporation Limited K Cash集團有限公司 (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) GLOBAL OFFERING Number of Offer Shares under the Global Offering: 125,000,000 Shares (subject to the Over-allotment Option) Number of Hong

  6. kcash.hk › pdf › investor-relationsProspectus Company

    Top 25 89,930,000 102.78% 95.93% 71.94% 68.52% 89,930,000 17.99% 17.76% Notes * Ranking of placees is based on the number of Shares allotted to the placees. SHAREHOLDER CONCENTRATION ANALYSIS Sharehold ers Number of Shares all Option) ...

  7. kcash.hk › pdf › investor-relationsCompanies Act

    Law 3 of 1991-21st February, 1991 Law 3 of 2016-6th May, 2016 Law 23 of 1991-12th December, 1991 Law 2 of 2017-27th February, 2017 Law 11 of 1992-13th July, 1992 Law 42 of 2017-16th November, 2017 Law 3 of 1993-26th March, 1993 Law 37 of 2018-22nd