雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 一休晚年擔任本寺住持,還修建了其中的塔頭寺院真珠庵。. 大德寺歷代名僧輩出,與茶道文化的淵源很深,是對日本文化影響很大的寺院。. 織田信長葬本寺之塔頭寺院總見院。. 寺內藏有大量文化遺產,比如建築、庭院、茶道道具、障壁畫和中國古代的字畫等 ...

  2. 2022年8月30日 · 10. Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai (2018) - Kanagawa. Most of Bunny Girl Senpai takes place in Japan's second most populous prefecture, Kanagawa (神奈川県). Renowned as a beachy and laid-back area popular with tourists, there is lots of anime-related sightseeing to do here! Among its numerous settings, the biggest highlight is ...

  3. 2018年2月20日 · Well, it depends on what you mean by "authentic," and what you mean by "Japan!" As a modern city with an ancient past, truly "Japan" experiences in Tokyo run the gamut from traditional arts to modern otaku culture. Here are 16 truly "Japan" options from the very old to the very new! 16. Sit for a Tea Ceremony. A full-on chado or sado (茶道 ...

  4. 此外,在季節性的節日裡當店也會提供限定版的特別包裝,下回來到京都不妨可以用心找找喔!. 小倉山莊. 售價:5入 / 432日圓. 哪裡買?. 京都各大主要百貨公司和車站的伴手禮店. 少女心大爆發的限定商品!. IG打卡必備伴手禮|鶴屋吉信IRODORIIRODORI《琥珀糖 ...

  5. 2018年7月30日 · To help you plan the perfect hanami, we present 10 must-see spots throughout the country. 10. Kumamoto Castle (Kumamoto) Kumamoto Prefecture—perhaps best known for its adorable bear mascot Kumamon—sits on the southern island of Kyushu. Kumamoto Castle (熊本城・Kumamoto-jo) isn’t only architecturally impressive, as one of the most ...

  6. 2004年4月6日 · Be sure to check out this list of the best things to do in Takamatsu. 10. Get a great view from Takamatsu Symbol Tower. Takamatsu Symbol Tower stands tall at 30 stories and at a height of 151.3 meters (496.4 ft). This skyscraper houses both commercial office spaces and the Kagawa International Convention Centre.

  7. 2017年12月28日 · 12月31日除夕夜(日本稱為大晦日),日本人也有不睡覺、守歲的習慣,台灣的守歲是害怕年獸侵襲,<b>日本則是要等待年神的到來,而在年神來之前,就會前往寺院去除一年來身上沾染的晦氣,而寺院則會敲響108次的大梵鐘,清淨信眾的身心及靈魂,沈穩又洪亮的鐘聲,餘音繞樑,韻味十足。