雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 為避免任何法律後果,保單持有人需於繳交保費時向保險公司繳付該筆保費的訂明徵費,並由保險公司將該已繳付的徵費轉付予保監局。 徵費金額會因應徵費率調整而有所變更。 有關詳情,請瀏覽保監局的網頁www.ia.org.hk。 The Insurance Authority (“IA”) will collect premium levy from the policyholder at the applicable rate.

  2. If you have any doubt on what should be disclosed in this Proposal Form, please contact Bank of China Group Insurance Company Limited (named below as “BOCG Insurance”) Hotline (852) 3187 5100 for the interests of the Insured Person. Failure to disclose may mean that the policy will not provide the Insured Person with the coverage required ...

  3. 通訊地址: 香港中環德輔道中71 號永安集團大廈8樓Correspondence Address: 8/F., Wing On House, 71 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong. 客戶服務熱線Customer Services Hotline Tel : 3187 5100傳真 Fax : 3906 9948電郵 Email: osc_policy@bocgroup.com. (為方便電腦處理,請以英文正楷填寫及於適當方格內加 ...

  4. Claim(s) submitted after 90 days date of consultation / visit. Insufficient of required information. Please send this completed claim form with attachment(s) to: Bank of China Group Insurance Co. Ltd. – Medical Insurance Dept. 9/F., Wing On House, 71 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong. Tel : 2867 0888 Fax : 3906 9906 Website : www.bocgroup.com ...

  5. 代投保人/受保人支付保費原因Reason for paying premium on Policyowner/Insured’s behalf___________________________________________. 本人同意及承擔下述投保人/受保人之全數應繳之「中銀醫療綜合保障計劃(系列一)」保費金額。. I hereby confirm to pay the premium due of “BOC Medical Comprehensive ...

  6. 若此投保書所含的內容與保單條款有任何歧異,概以保單為準。. In the event that the information contained in this proposal form does not conform to the terms in any policy issued, the policy terms shall prevail. 5. 「管理人員綜合保障計劃」(下稱“本計劃”)由中銀集團保險承保。. “Executive ...

  7. www5.bocgins.com › 2017/02/27 › Travel_BA_1travel leaflet pdf

    ‧ 延伸恐怖主義活動6引致的人身意外、醫療及有關費用的賠償。‧ 嚴重事故延伸保障 - 延伸保障範圍包括不可預見的罷工、工業行動、惡劣天氣、天然災難或廣泛性傳染病及受保人的同行 夥伴身故、嚴重受傷或患嚴重疾病引致取消旅程及縮短旅程。‧ 額外現金補償津貼,包括傳染病現金津貼及 ...