雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年5月6日 · 纽元兑美元周五收高,因美国公债殖利率跌至数周低位后美元全线下跌。纽西兰劳动成本指数的稳定成长增强了人们对纽西兰联邦储备银行延迟降息的预期。纽元兑美元上周五上涨0.92%,而纽元兑港元收于4.69水平。

  2. 2024年5月6日 · 每日外匯快訊. 香港滙豐. 財富遠見. 每日外匯快訊. 2024年5月6日. 澳元. 支持位 / 阻力位. 兌美元 0.6430 / 0.6717 ⬆. 兌港元 5.0314 / 5.2444. 週五澳元兌美元上漲,因美元疲軟以及圍繞澳洲聯邦儲備銀行延長高利率的鷹派情緒支撐了澳元的強勢。 而經濟學家預測今年只會降息一次。 澳元兌美元上週五上漲0.69%,而澳元兌港元收於5.16水平。 歐元. 支持位 / 阻力位. 兌美元 1.0634 / 1.0847 . 兌港元 8.3224 / 8.4674. 週五歐元兌美元走強。 歐元區第一季國內生產總值成長意外上行,而最新通膨數據則突顯了通貨緊縮過程所需的時間比預期更長。 歐元兌美元上週五上漲0.31%,而歐元兌港元收於8.40水平。 英鎊.

  3. 23 小時前 · Money management plays a huge role in helping you reach financial stability and independence. Staying on top of your financial situation will help you navigate rising costs of living and the pressures caused by social, economic and environmental factors that might be beyond your control.

  4. 1 天前 · A voluntary health insurance plan offering full coverage [@fullcoverage] on medical expenses, annual benefits of HKD5 million or more, and tax savings—available online. HSBC HK. Insurance. Medical & Critical Illness Insurance. Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) VHIS Flexi Plan. Full coverage on medical expense [@fullcoverage]

  5. 2024年5月6日 · vs HKD 8.3224 / 8.4674. EUR strengthened against the dollar on Friday. Eurozone Q1 GDP growth surprised to the upside, while the latest inflation data underlined that the disinflationary process is taking longer than expected. EURUSD rose 0.31% last Friday while EURHKD ended at 8.40 level.

  6. 2024年5月2日 · Moved Permanently. The document has moved here.