雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 3 天前 · 新數據:全澳近三份一人海外出生 他們來自哪些國家?. 全澳在海外出生人士比率,達到自1891年以來的最高紀錄。. 澳洲統計局的最新數據顯示,2023 ...

  2. 5 天前 · SBS 廣東話新聞(2024年4月23日) | SBS Chinese. 12:38. SBS 廣東話新聞 Source: SBS / SBS News. Source: SBS. Share this with family and friends. 2024年4月23日SBS廣東話節目詳盡早晨新聞報導。 新聞提要. 總理艾巴尼斯將於星期四的澳新軍團日,前往巴布亞新畿內亞出席晨曦紀念儀式。 中國外長王毅與巴布亞新畿內亞外長商討將簽署的自由貿易協定細節。 英國首相辛偉誠呼籲上議院停止阻撓政府在今年夏天開始將偷渡者遣返到盧旺達。 更多內容. 今日大事(2024年4月18日 ) 台灣東部凌晨再發生 6.3 級地震 台北亦有震感. 【監測報告:首季流感個案增】專家憂流感風險今年更高.

  3. 2 天前 · An Iranian delivery man rides past a huge anti-Israel billboard carrying pictures of missiles and a sentence reading in Persian 'Israel is weaker than spider home', in Tehran, Iran, 19 April 2024. ...

  4. 3 天前 · In 1943, Japan’s army brought 60,000 Allied prisoners of war and 200,000 labourers from across Asia, to Thailand and Myanmar, to build the Thai-Burma railway. Hellfire Pass earned its name from the fires that burned while P-O-Ws laboured in the night, and the disease, starvation and brutality that plagued the work camps.

  5. 2 天前 · Explore the world of Sport with SBS: Latest updates, highlights, interviews and opinion for Cycling, Football, Motorsport, Athletics, Gymnastics and more.

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  6. 4 天前 · 随着布里斯班、阿德莱德、珀斯和悉尼等多个首府城市房价飞涨,澳大利亚房价中位数已冲破111.3万澳元,创下历史新高。. 尽管当前面临高利率 ...

  7. 3 天前 · Reconciliation Australia and the University of New South Wales have produced a new collaborative report called 'Coming to Terms with the Past', which identifies the barriers that could exist in the truth telling process for this history of Indigenous child removals, and other government policies.