雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Tokyo Metro's official website. You can view convenient information such as subway map, fares, discount tickets, passes, popular attractions along Tokyo Metro lines, etc. for getting around Tokyo.

  2. 所在地. 日比谷線. 東京都中央區八丁堀2-22-5. 03-3551-6572. 03-3551-6572 (車站辦公室). 可轉乘的鐵路公司. East Japan Railway. 可轉乘的巴士公司 (2018年2月現在) Toei Bus.

  3. 票價按乘車距離計算。. 距離(公里). 購買車票時的票價(以10日元計算). 使用IC卡時的票價(以1日元計算). 1km~6km. 180日元(兒童90日元). 178日元(兒童89日元). 7km~11km.

  4. 詳細內容. 無障礙路徑是指車站利用電梯、斜坡、輪椅升降平台、可供輪椅使用的電扶梯,確保一條以上連接「地面〜驗票口〜月台」的路徑。 電梯. 詳細內容. 電扶梯. 詳細內容. 輪椅升降平台. 詳細內容. 洗手間. 詳細內容. 可供方向盤型電動輪椅進出. 丸之內線. :有.

  5. Information regarding special benefits such as discounts when you show an eligible discount ticket to various spots around Tokyo Metro and Toei Subway stations. TOP. Tickets. Tokyo Metro's ticket information. You can search for fares and transfer routes as well as detailed information on tickets and passes.

  6. 新宿三丁目駅 構内図 しんじゅくさんちょうめ

  7. Information on the ticket that is valid for all lines of Tokyo Metro and Toei Subway for 24 hours, 48 hours or 72 hours from the travel starting time during the valid period. Tokyo Subway Ticket (IC) These tickets can be used on all Tokyo Metro and Toei Subway lines, and are valid within 24 hours, 48 hours or 72 hours of the time of purchase.