雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 本校校風純樸,紀律謹嚴,師資優良,所有教師都經嚴格挑選,均具本地大學或外國著名學府之碩士或學士學位,具多年教學經驗,部份更持有專業資格;加上本校不斷改進教學設備,乃優質教學之信心保證;為配合社會各界對僱員日趨嚴格之要求,本校提供 ...

  2. 本網提供了報讀商專的各項課程資料,包括會計、商業、工商管理、英語及科技資訊等。 由兼讀制至全日制的課程,助同學考取不同的專業資格及提升學歷,為將來的升學及事業發展提供更好的準備.

  3. We demand very high standards of behavior and discipline from our students. Our teachers, who are chosen after a rigorous selection process, all have master’s and/or bachelor’s degrees from local or prestigious overseas universities, and many of them possess professional qualifications as well. In addition to this we constantly upgrade our ...

  4. 邱賢君先生擁有超過20年的公職經驗,曾擔任不同專業團體及非政府組織之主席或委員,並為香港商業專科學校註冊校董。憑藉在業界工作多年所積累的經驗與所建立的人際網絡,邱先生出任學校校董會主席,既使本校能與各個專業團體增進溝通,亦使學校在決策上能緊貼商界的發展趨勢,確保課程 ...

  5. 課程簡介: 本課程是按英國倫敦商會LCCI 初級程度考試而度身訂造,粵語授課,英文教材是為幫助學生應付LCCI初級考試而設計。 課程內容包括: (1) 會計公式; (2) 複式簿記入賬法; (3) 原始賬簿; (4) 編制試算表及其功能; (5) 以時薪或其他或激勵方法計算薪金; (6) 薪金的扣減; (7) 統製賬戶的編制及其目的; (8) 編制獨資經營商的財務報表並涉及年末調整; (9) 銀行往來調節表; (10) 更正錯誤與日記賬; (11) 會計概念. · 入學資格:須具中二或同等學歷. · 本課程附送精簡講義。 · 本課程附設校內試,學員如考獲及格成績,可獲頒發證書,申請證書費用$60。 · 課堂用英文講義輔以廣東話授課。 學費 : $1390. 優惠學費: $1110.

  6. Generic Skills Courses. 1. General Admission Criteria for all courses of the Employees Retraining Board (ERB): (i) eligible employees of Hong Kong (i.e. lawfully employable and not subject to conditions of stay, including Hong Kong permanent residents and new arrivals); and (ii) aged 15 or above; and (iii) educational attainment of sub-degree ...

  7. The Employees Retraining Board (ERB) is a statutory body established in 1992 under the Employees Retraining Ordinance. The ERB co-ordinates, funds and monitors training courses and services that are market-driven and employment-oriented so as to meet the changing needs of the employment market.